unity linkedin assessment answers
1. You can combine Quaternions together through which arithmetical operation?
- addition
- division
- multiplication
- subtraction
3. What is the LateUpdate function especially useful for?
- updating cameras that track moving targets
- applying physical forces to rigidbodies
- counter-animating overstepped objects
- performing complex arithmetical operations
4. When is the Reset method of MonoBehaviour invoked automatically?
- when a game object moves from one scene into another
- when a scene begins or is restarted
- when the scene begins or restarts for a deactivated game object
- when adding a component to an object or resetting its values in Edit
5. Which C# attribute allows a class and its methods to run inside the editor during Edit mode?
- [RunInEditor]
- [Range (0,10) ]
- [ExecuteAlways]
- [Livel
6. What can you use to improve the searchability of your project's assets?
- instance IDs
- tags
- layers
- labels
8. Which C# code fragment continuously updates an object's yaw (Y rotation)?
- transform.SetParent (null) ;
- transform.localRotation *= Quaternion.Euler(Of, RotSpeed * Time.deltaTime, Of) ;
- transform.Rotate (Vector3.right, RotSpeed * Time.deltaTime);
- transform.RotateAround (Vector3.up, RotSpeed * Time.deltaTime);
10. Sprite atlas assets, large textures containing many smaller sprites, can be optimized by batching together what?
- sprites of the same dimensions
- sprites that are nonanimated
- sprites using the same color palette
- sprites that appear together in game
11. You can programmatically control audio effects, like Pitch and Reverb, from C# scripts using which feature of an Audio Mixer asset?
- Audio Mixer groups
- audio attenuation
- exposed parameters
- ParamEQ
12. Timeline sequences can initiate code during an animation using which feature?
- markers
- packets
- EventSystem
- signals
13. Which statement best describes the function Quaternion.Euler?
- It converts a Quaternion into a Vector3 in which X. Y. and Z are measured in degrees.
- It prints a Quaternion to a string that shows its X, Y, and Z rotation in degrees.
- It converts a 3D orientation that is measured in degrees into a Quaternion.
- It converts a 3D orientation from Radians to a Quaternion.
14. Orthographic cameras remove which visual effect?
- bloom
- foreshortening
- depth of field
- gamma color space
15. Unity scenes may be saved entirely in the YAML format. Why might you do this?
- to optimize scene loading and unloading
- to improve platform compatibility
- to externally parse a scene and its objects
- to reduce scene file size