principles of ui/ux design coursera week 5 quiz answers
Final course quiz: Principles of UX and UI
1. What types of grids are used to organize multiple elements on an interface?
- Block grids
- Column Grid
- Baseline grid
2. Storyboards describe the user's motivations for being there (their task or goal) and a question they need to be answered. They also suggest possible ways to achieve these goals.
- True
- False
3. A storyboard is a visual representation of how a user will interact with a product.
- True
- False
4. What is included in a brand style guide? Select all that apply.
- Pictures and images
- A design system
- Color palette
- Typefaces
5. What does a user story consist of?
- A user’s frustrations
- A biography of the user
- An abstract that describes the user and their need or goal
6. How do you share your prototype in Figma with your team members and stakeholders?
- Via share
- Via presentation mode
- Via prototype mode
8. What are typefaces in UI?
- A grid system
- A group of characters, letters and numbers that share the same design.