Module 1: Python Basics

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In this post, I provide accurate answers and detailed explanations for Module 1: Python Basics of Course 4: Python for Data Science, AI & Development IBM Generative AI Engineering Professional Certificate

Whether you’re preparing for quizzes or brushing up on your knowledge, these insights will help you master the concepts effectively. Let’s dive into the correct answers and detailed explanations for each question.

Practice Quiz: Types

Practice Assignment

1. What is the data type of the entity 43?

  • bool
  • float
  • int ✅
  • complex

The number 43 is a whole number without any decimal point. In Python, whole numbers are of the data type int (short for integer).

  • bool: Used for True/False values.
  • float: Used for numbers with decimal points (e.g., 43.0).
  • complex: Used for numbers with real and imaginary parts (e.g., 3 + 4j).

2. What is the type of the following: 0

  • Int ✅
  • float

3. What is the type of the following number: 3.12323

  • int
  • str
  • float ✅
  • bool

The number 3.12323 contains a decimal point, which makes it a float in Python.

  • int: For whole numbers only (e.g., 3).
  • str: Used for strings or text (e.g., “3.12323”).
  • bool: Used for True/False values.

4. What is the result of the following: int(3.99)

  • 3 ✅
  • 3.99
  • 4

The int() function in Python converts a number to an integer by truncating the decimal part (it does not round).

  • For 3.99, the decimal part (.99) is discarded, leaving just 3.
  • Note: If you wanted to round the number instead of truncating, you’d use the round() function.

Practice Quiz: Expressions and Variables

Practice Assignment

5. What is the result of the following operation: 11//2

  • 11/2
  • 5 ✅
  • 0.18
  • 5.5

The // operator in Python is the floor division operator, which divides two numbers and truncates the decimal part, returning only the integer portion of the result.

For 11 // 2:

  • Division of 11 / 2 equals 5.5.
  • The // operator truncates the decimal, so the result is 5.

6. What is the value of x after the following is run:



  • 2.0 ✅
  • 0.5
  • 4.0
  • 1.0

The / operator in Python performs floating-point division, so the result is always a float.

  • Initial value of x is 4.
  • x / 2 equals 2.0 (a float).
  • Therefore, x becomes 2.0.

7. Which line of code will perform the action as required for implementing the following equation?

  • y = 2*x*x – 3 ✅
  • y = 2*x*2 – 3
  • y = 2x*x – 3
  • y = 2x/2 – 3

The equation y = 2x² - 3 means:

  • Multiply x by itself (x*x) to get .

  • Multiply the result by 2.

  • Subtract 3 from the result.

  • Option 1 (y = 2*x*x – 3) correctly represents the equation.

  • Option 2 (y = 2*x*2 – 3) is incorrect because 2*x*2 would compute 2x2 rather than 2x².

  • Option 3 (y = 2x*x – 3) is invalid syntax in Python because you cannot omit the multiplication operator.

Practice Quiz: String Operations

Practice Assignment

8. What is the result of the following: Name[0]

  • “i”
  • “n”
  • “M” ✅

9. What is the result of the following: Name[-1]

  • “n” ✅
  • “i”
  • “o”
  • “M”

In Python, string indexing allows accessing individual characters of a string using their positions. The -1 index represents the last character in the string.

Given the string “Michael Jackson”:

  • The last character is "n".

10. What is the output of the following: print("AB\nC\nDE")

  • AB\nC\nDE
  • AB


    DE ✅

  • ABC


  • AB



The \n is an escape sequence for a new line in Python. It instructs Python to move the text following it to a new line.

11. What is the result of following?

"hello Mike".find("Mike")

If you are unsure, copy and paste the code into Jupyter Notebook and check.

  • 5
  • 6,7,8
  • 2
  • 6


  • The string "helloMike" is indexed as follows:
    h = 0, e = 1, l = 2, l = 3, o = 4, M = 5, i = 6, k = 7, e = 8.
  • The substring "Mike" starts at index 5.

Module 1 Graded Quiz: Python Basics

Graded Assignment

12. What is the value of x after the following lines of code?



  • 8
  • 2
  • 6
  • 4 ✅


  • The initial value of x is 2.
  • x = x + 2 updates x to 4.

13. What is the result of the following operation 3+2*2 ?

  • 3
  • 9
  • 7 ✅
  • 10


  • Python follows the order of operations (PEMDAS):
    • Multiplication (2 * 2 = 4) comes first.
    • Then addition (3 + 4 = 7).

14. What data type does the value "7.1" represent?

  • Character
  • Float
  • String ✅
  • Integer

Any value enclosed in quotes (single or double) is treated as a string in Python.

15. What is the output of the following code segment? int(False)

  • False
  • Error
  • 1
  • 0 ✅

In Python, the Boolean False is equivalent to 0, and int(False) converts it to the integer 0.

16. In Python, what is the output of the following operation? '5'+'6'

  • 11
  • ’56’ ✅
  • ’11’
  • ‘5’

The + operator concatenates strings, so '5' + '6' becomes '56'.

17. What is the output of the following? 'hello'.upper()

  • ‘Hello’
  • ‘hello’
  • “hello”
  • ‘HELLO’ ✅

The .upper() method converts all letters in the string to uppercase.

18. What is the output of the following? "123".replace("12", "ab")

  • ‘12c’
  • ‘ab3’ ✅
  • ‘123ab’
  • ‘ab’

The .replace() method substitutes "12" with "ab", resulting in "ab3".

19. What is the result of the following code segment: type(int(12.3))

  • float
  • str
  • int ✅

20. What is the result of the following code segment: int(True)

  • 1 ✅
  • 0
  • error

21. In Python, what is the result of the following operation: '1'+'2' ?

  • 3
  • ‘3’
  • ’12’ ✅

22. Given myvar = 'hello' , how would you return myvar as uppercase?

  • len(myvar)
  • myvar.find(‘hello’)
  • myvar.upper() ✅

23. What is the result of the following : str(1+1) ?

  • 2
  • ‘2’ ✅
  • ’11’
  • 11


  • 1 + 1 evaluates to 2.
  • str(2) converts the integer 2 to the string '2'.

24. What is the result of the following: "ABC".replace("AB", "ab") ?

  • ‘abC’ ✅
  • ‘ABc’

25. In Python 3, what is the type of the variable x after the following: x=1/1 ?

  • int
  • str
  • float ✅
  • char

In Python 3, division (/) always produces a float, even if the result is a whole number (1.0).

26. For the string “Fun Python” stored in a variable `x`, what will be the output of `x[4:10]`?

  • ‘ Pytho’
  • ‘Fun P’
  • ‘Python’ ✅
  • Error


  • String slicing x[4:10] extracts characters from index 4 up to (but not including) index 10.
  • In "Fun Python", the slice starts at 'P' (index 4) and ends at 'n' (index 9), yielding 'Python'.

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