foundations of data science coursera week 4 quiz answers

Test your knowledge: The data project workflow

1. In which PACE stage would a data professional ask, “What are the goals of the project?”

  • Plan
  • Construct
  • Execute
  • Analyze

2. Fill in the blank: In the _____ stage of the PACE model, a methodical examination of the data is conducted.

  • analyze
  • construct
  • execute
  • plan

3. In the execute stage of the PACE model, what is shared with stakeholders?

  • Datasets
  • Models and algorithms
  • Project goals
  • The story told by the data

Activity: Communicate with stakeholders in different roles

4. Did you complete this activity?

  • Yes
  • No

5. Which information is most relevant to include in the email to the new data professional on the team? Select all that apply.

  • The accuracy goal for the wildfire model
  • A description of the data team’s workflow
  • An invitation to ask follow-up questions
  • An overview of how predictive machine learning models work

6. Which information is most relevant to include in the email to the new writer for the agency’s public relations department? Select all that apply.

  • An overview of the National Parks Service’s wildfire project
  • Details about how much the project has improved the agency’s ability to predict wildfires
  • An invitation to ask follow-up questions
  • Details about the technical aspects of the project

Test your knowledge: Elements of communication

7. Which element of communicative exchange involves thinking about the reason why the communication is taking place?

  • Purpose
  • Sender
  • Receiver
  • Collaboration

8. To work successfully, PACE must be employed in a linear progression.

  • True
  • False

9. Fill in the blank: Regardless of the PACE workflow stage, _____ drives the framework through to project realization.

  • communication
  • observation
  • presentation
  • validation

Activity: Analyze a project proposal

10. What is the main goal of the project?

  • Scrub, convert, and format data
  • Develop a wildfire prediction engine to improve the prediction methods for the National Parks Service
  • Deliver a machine learning model
  • Test and retest machine learning techniques for accuracy

11. Approximately how long should it take to complete the planning and analysis stages of the project?

  • 11-13 weeks
  • 3 weeks
  • 7 weeks
  • 4-6 weeks

12. Identifying the software and hardware requirements of the project is a task associated with which project milestone?

  • Milestone 4
  • Milestone 2
  • Milestone 1
  • Milestone 3

13. During which stages of the project should the team share project progress and findings with stakeholders? Select all that apply.

  • Planning
  • Modeling
  • Executing
  • Analyzing
  • Constructing

14. Which deliverables are associated with the tasks of finalizing modeling and machine learning decisions, constructing a model, and testing machine learning techniques for accuracy? Select all that apply.

  • Machine learning model
  • Visualizations
  • Database ready for modeling
  • Stakeholders updated

Test your knowledge: Communicate like a data professional

15. While acquiring new skills during the Python course, you will be operating within which PACE stage?

  • Execute
  • Analyze
  • Plan
  • Construct

16. Which PACE stage involves preparing data in order to reveal the stories it tells?

  • Plan
  • Construct
  • Execute
  • Analyze

Weekly challenge 4

17. A data professional is considering three questions: What are the goals of the project? What strategies will be needed? How will the business or operation be affected by the plan?

What stage of the PACE model does this scenario describe?

  • Analyze
  • Execute
  • Plan
  • Construct

18. Fill in the blank: In the construct stage of the PACE model, data professionals build, interpret, and revise models and machine learning algorithms in order to uncover _____ within the data and unlock related insights.

  • outliers
  • frameworks
  • relationships
  • divisions

19. Which of the following activities occurs during the execute stage of the PACE model? Select all that apply.

  • Conducting a methodical examination of the data
  • Presenting findings and recommendations to internal and external stakeholders
  • Answering questions and considering different viewpoints
  • Sharing the story unlocked from the data

20. All communicative exchanges contain key elements. Which element involves considering how one’s personal biases might affect their communication?

  • Context
  • Purpose
  • Receiver
  • Sender

21. Which of the following are best practices when communicating? Select all that apply.

  • Strive for clarity.
  • Aim to minimize wordiness.
  • Draft messages using proper grammar.
  • Use longer sentences when explaining complex ideas.

22. Fill in the blank: Effective _____ is used to improve the workflow in all PACE framework stages.

  • storytelling
  • data cleaning
  • modeling
  • communication

23. What are some strategies to use when practicing active listening? Select all that apply.

  • Avoid taking notes while someone is speaking.
  • Consider all viewpoints.
  • Try to understand the speaker’s point of view.
  • Stay involved during meetings.

24. Which section of a project proposal is a brief explanation of what the project is trying to achieve?

  • Project objective
  • Project title
  • Outcomes
  • Milestones

25. Fill in the blank: In the construct stage of the PACE model, data professionals build, interpret, and revise models and _____ in order to uncover relationships within the data and unlock related insights.

  • datasets
  • machine learning algorithms
  • dashboards
  • visualizations

26. A data professional uses their communication skills to give recommendations based on data findings to internal and external stakeholders. What stage of the PACE model does this scenario describe?

  • Analyze
  • Execute
  • Construct
  • Plan

27. Which section of a project proposal lists items to be shared among team members and with stakeholders?

  • Deliverables
  • Outcomes
  • Project title
  • Milestones

28. In the plan stage of the PACE model, what questions might a data professional ask themself? Select all that apply.

  • What are the goals of the project?
  • How will the business or operation be affected by the plan?
  • How can the data be cleaned and converted into a usable format?
  • What strategies will be needed?

29. Fill in the blank: In the construct stage of the PACE model, data professionals build, interpret, and revise _____ and machine learning algorithms in order to uncover relationships within the data and unlock related insights.

  • datasets
  • dashboards
  • models
  • visualizations

30. All communicative exchanges contain key elements. Which element involves considering why the communication is taking place?

  • Sender
  • Receiver
  • Reasoning
  • Purpose

31. Which of the following are best practices when communicating? Select all that apply.

  • Break complex ideas into shorter sentences.
  • Save time by using abbreviations and other acronyms
  • Strive to avoid unnecessary details.
  • When drafting a message, keep vocabulary simple.

32. At which stages in the PACE framework is effective communication used to improve the workflow?

  • All four stages
  • Plan and analyze
  • Analyze and construct
  • Construct and execute

33. What are some strategies to use when practicing active listening? Select all that apply.

  • Place a high value on the insights gained from others
  • Take notes in meetings for later reference
  • Formulate your response while the other person is talking
  • Be curious

34. What stage of the PACE model begins with identifying the informational needs of the organization?

  • Plan
  • Analyze
  • Execute
  • Construct

35. Which of the following are best practices when communicating about data in a professional setting? Select all that apply.

  • Use technical language.
  • Be efficient.
  • Use proper punctuation.
  • Use direct language.

36. Which section of a project proposal includes groupings of tasks within the project, which break up the work into more manageable goals?

  • Deliverables
  • Milestones
  • Project objectives
  • Stakeholders

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