fundamental of java programming coursera week 3 quiz answers

OOPS - Practice Quiz

1. What is the main difference between Object-Oriented Programming (OOPs), Functional Programming, and Procedural Programming?

  • OOPs focuses on objects and classes, while Functional Programming focuses on functions and immutability, and Procedural Programming focuses on procedures and routines.
  • OOPs is only used in Java, while Functional Programming and Procedural Programming are used in other programming languages.
  • OOPs uses inheritance, while Functional Programming and Procedural Programming do not.
  • OOPs is a deprecated programming paradigm, while Functional Programming and Procedural Programming are widely used.

2. What are classes and objects in Java?

  • Classes are instances of objects.
  • Objects are instances of classes.
  • Classes and objects are the same thing in Java.
  • Classes and objects are not used in Java.

3. What are access modifiers in Java?

  • Keywords used to define mathematical operations in Java.
  • Keywords used to define the visibility and accessibility of class members (variables, methods, inner classes) in Java.
  • Keywords used to define the data types in Java.
  • Keywords used to define loops and conditional statements in Java.

4. What is a wrapper class in Java?

  • A class that wraps objects and provides access to their methods and properties.
  • A class that provides utility methods for working with arrays.
  • A class that provides access to input/output operations.
  • A class that provides methods for encryption and decryption of data.

5. What is the purpose of the "this" keyword in Java?

  • To refer to the current instance of the class within a method or constructor.
  • To create a new instance of a class.
  • To refer to the parent class in case of inheritance.
  • To specify the return type of a method.

Constructors - Practice Quiz

6. What is a constructor in Java?

  • A method used to copy the values of one object to another.
  • A method used to define the behavior of an object.
  • A special method used to create and initialize objects of a class.
  • A method used to define the properties of an object.

7. What is a copy constructor in Java?

  • A constructor used to create a deep copy of an object.
  • A constructor used to create a shallow copy of an object.
  • A constructor used to create a new object from an existing object.
  • A constructor used to create an object from a different class.

8. What is constructor chaining in Java?

  • A way to chain multiple constructors together to create a complex object.
  • A way to call a constructor of a different class.
  • A process where one constructor calls another constructor of the same class using “this” keyword.
  • A way to create a constructor with multiple parameters.

9. What is the purpose of a private constructor in Java?

  • To prevent instantiation of the class.
  • To allow multiple instances of the class.
  • To make the class accessible from any package.
  • To enable inheritance of the class.

10. What is a singleton class in Java?

  • A class that can have multiple instances.
  • A class that can have only one instance throughout the lifetimeof an application.
  • A class that cannot have any instance.
  • A class that can be instantiated from any package.

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