autodesk maya linkedin answers
2. An animation rig requires that an object always rotates with another object. The two objects maintain an offset, so that the rotation values are connected, but not equal. The translate and scale channels of the two objects have no relationship. What is the simplest method to build this rig?
- parent-child link
- orient constraint
- point constraint
- inverse kinematics
3. To set object scale values to 1, 1, 1 without changing the object's size, which command do you use?
- Center Pivot
- Freeze Transformations
- Delete by Type > History
- Reset Transformations
4. What is the attribute to make an object visible in viewports but prevent it from being selected?
- Ghosting
- Visibility
- Template
- Level of Detail
5. A physically based rendering of an interior scene appears overly dark in the shadows. Which rendering attribute can increase the amount of bounce light to brighten the shadows?
- Specular Samples
- Transmission Ray Depth
- Diffuse Samples
- Diffuse Ray Depth
6. The marking menu provides shortcuts to context-sensitive commands and tools. How is the marking menu accessed for the selected object?

- Position the mouse cursor in a viewport and hold down the right mouse button.
- Position the mouse cursor in a viewport and hold down the Spacebar.
- Position the mouse cursor in a viewport and hold down the middle mouse button.
- Position the mouse cursor in a viewport and tap the Spacebar.
7. Which texture type does not require UVs to render in software?
- Substance texture
- 2D texture
- File texture
- 3D texture
8. Pose-to-pose is a common character animation technique. In the process of blocking out poses and timing, the animator may wish to disable all interpolated motion. How can you disable all inbetweening in the viewport without changing the animation curves?
- Enable Stepped Preview.
- Set tangents to Stepped
- Hold Current Keys.
- Add Scene Time Warp.
9. Camera field of view is indicated by a pyramid shape. What is this shape called?

- frustum
- film back
- gate mask
- clip plane
10. All renderable objects, such as meshes, consist of at least two nodes. Which two nodes are required for all renderable objects?
- Shape node and Transform node
- Shape node and Material node
- Shape node and Input node
- Input node and Transform node
11. This object has two different bitmap textures applied: a repeating brick pattern and a logo graphic. How can you control the placement of each texture map separately?

- layered shader
- two UV sets
- layered texture
- two materials
12. In a physically based renderer such as Arnold, what material attribute controls reflectivity according the angle of the surface to the camera? For example, if you want to make the front-facing surface more reflective relative to the side-facing surface, what attribute should you increase?
- Transmission Weight
- Anisotropy
- Index of Refraction
- Specula Roughness
13. What feature allows you to collect specific attributes from various nodes for convenient access and keyframing?
- animation layer
- dope sheet
- character set
- geometry cache
15. Why might you choose Quaternion rotation interpolation over the default Euler interpolation?
- Curves are easily shaped with tangent handles.
- Rotations are more reliable.
- XYZ axes can be keyed independently.
- Angle values can be greater than 180 degrees and less than -180 degrees.