automate cybersecurity tasks with python coursera weekly challenge 1 answers
Test your knowledge: Introduction to Python programming in cybersecurity
1. What tasks would a security analyst most likely automate with Python? Select three answers.
- Sorting through a log file
- Analyzing network traffic
- Addressing an unusual cybersecurity concern
- Managing an access control list
2. What are some benefits of using Python in security? Select all that apply.
- Python reduces manual effort.
- Python helps automate short, simple tasks.
- Python is the only language that creates a specific set of instructions to execute tasks.
- Python can combine separate tasks into one workstream.
3. Which of the following code blocks contains a valid Python comment?
: This prints a “Try again” message
print(“Try again”)
# This prints a “Try again” message
print(“Try again”)
This prints a “Try again” message
print(“Try again”)
comment: This prints a “Try again” message
print(“Try again”)
4. Which line of code outputs the string "invalid username" to the screen?
- print(#invalid username#)
- print(“invalid username”)
- # print(“invalid username”)
- print(invalid username)
Test your knowledge: Core Python components
6. What code displays the data type of the variable username?
username = [“elarson”, “bmoreno”, “tshah”]
data_type = type()
username = [“elarson”, “bmoreno”, “tshah”]
data_type = username
username = [“elarson”, “bmoreno”, “tshah”]
data_type = type(username)
username = [“elarson”, “bmoreno”, “tshah”]
type(username) = data_type
7. In the following code, what is the data type of login_success?
login_success = ["success", "success", "fail", "success"]
- Integer
- String
- List
- Boolean
8. What is the output of the following code?
failed_attempts = 3
failed_attempts = 4
- 3
- 7
- 4
- 3, 4
Shuffle Q/A 1
Test your knowledge: Conditional and iterative statements
9. What will the following code display?
ip_address = ""
if ip_address == "":
print("You're logged in.")
print("Login failed, try again.")
- “Login failed, try again.”
- “You’re logged in.”
- Both “You’re logged in.” and “Login failed, try again.”
- Nothing
10. Which conditional statement prints the message "account locked" when the value of failed_logins is 3 or higher?
if failed_login_count > 3:
    print(“account locked”)
if failed_login_count != 3:
    print(“account locked”)
if failed_logins >= 3:
    print(“account locked”)
if failed_login_count == 3:
    print(“account locked”)