react basics coursera week 1 quiz answers
Knowledge check: React components and where they live
1. When adding a component name after the function keyword, it should be named using:
- lowerCamelCase
- kebab-cased
- PascalCase (UpperCamelCase)
2. There are two components at the root of the src folder: Example and App. To import the Example component into the App component, you should use the following syntax:
- import “Example”;
- import Example from “./Example”;
- import Example;
3. True or False: You can omit the “./” from the import statement, when both the exported and the imported components are in the same folder.
- True
- False
4. Pick the correct syntax needed to export a component so that it can be imported.
- export standard Example;
- export default;
- export example;
- export default Example;
5. You've imported the Example component into the App component. What will the following syntax do: return ( ) ?
- It will throw an error.
- It will render the App component on the screen.
- It will show a warning.
- It will render the Example component on the screen.
Module Quiz
6. Why is React using the concept of components?
- It improves the styling of your pages.
- It allows you to build more modular apps.
- It allows the browser to render your pages faster.
- It helps accessibility readers for people who are visually impaired.
7. What is the absolute minimum code that a component must have to be able to show something on a screen when rendered?
- A named function declaration and a return statement with at least a single element with some text inside of it.
- A named function declaration.
- A named function declaration and an array of items inside of the function’s body.
- A named function declaration and some variables in the function’s body.
8. What are the benefits of using props?
- Props allow developers to write custom HTML tags.
- Props allow children components to update the values of each prop independent from their parent component.
- Props allow parent components to pass data to children components.
Shuffle Q/A 1
9. You are tasked with building a web layout using React. The layout should have a header, a footer, and three products showing various data in the main part of the page. Choose the preferred component structure.
- It should have a separate component for each link, paragraph, heading, etc.
- It should all fit into a single component named App component.
- It should have the following components: Header, Main, Product, Footer (with the Product component being imported into Main and rendered three times).
10. Which of the following keywords can you usually find in a React component?
- module, function, prop, exported, default
- modular, expression, prop, default
- function, props, return, export, default
- function, props, export, import, contain