data analysis with python coursera week 1 quiz answers Practice Quiz: Understanding the Data 1. How many columns does the dataset have? Answers 26205 2. Each column contains a: Answers attribute or feature different used car Practice Quiz: Python Packages for Data Science 3. What is a Python library? Answers A file that contains data.A collection of functions and methods that allows you to perform lots of actions without writing your code. Practice Quiz: Importing and Exporting Data in Python 4. What does the following method do to the dataframe? df : df.head(12) Answers Show the first 12 rows of dataframe. Shows the bottom 12 rows of dataframe. Practice Quiz: Getting Started Analyzing Data in Python 5. To enable a summary of all the columns, what must the parameter include be set to for the method describe? Answers df.describe(include=“all”)df.describe(include=“None”) Graded Quiz: Importing Datasets 6. What do we want to predict from the dataset? Answers pricecolourmake 7. What library is primarily used for machine learning Answers scikit-learnPythonmatplotlib 8. We have the list headers_list:headers_list=['A','B','C']We also have the dataframe df that contains three columns, what is the correct syntax to replace the headers of the dataframe df with values in the list headers_list? Answers df.columns = headers_listdf.head()df.tail() 9. Consider the segment of the following dataframe: What is the type of the column make? Answers int64objectfloat64 10. If you use the method describe() without changing any of the arguments you will get a statistical summary of all the columns of type object? Answers falsetrue Share the love Share this content Opens in a new window Opens in a new window Opens in a new window Opens in a new window Opens in a new window Opens in a new window Opens in a new window You Might Also Like Week 5 – Final Project and Exam Week 4 – Final project Module 2: Data Wrangling Leave a Reply Cancel replyCommentEnter your name or username to comment Enter your email address to comment Enter your website URL (optional) Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment.