ibm data analyst capstone project coursera week 4 answers Graded Quiz: Visualizing Distribution Of Data 1. Based on the boxplot of the column "Age", where do you see the outliers? Answers Above Q3 and Below Q1There are no outliersBelow Q1Above Q3 Graded Quiz: Visualizing Relationship 2. Based on the scatter plot of Age and WorkWeekHrs , what kind of correlation do you see between them? Answers Very high positive correlationNo correlationVery High negative correlation.Difficult to clearly identify from the scatter plot. Graded Quiz: Visualizing Composition of Data 3. In the pie chart of top 5 databases, respondents wish to learn next year, what is the percentage of Mongodb? Answers 16.419.118.820.9 4. In the list of most popular languages respondents wish to learn next year, what is the rank of Python? Answers 2143 5. How many respondents indicated that they currently work with 'SQL'? Answers 5012513253217106 6. How many respondents indicated that they work on 'MySQL' only? Answers 474657876736 Graded Quiz: Visualizing Comparison of Data 7. Majority of the survey responders are Answers Developer – back-endDeveloper – full-stackDeveloper – mobileDeveloper – front-end 8. Based on the Line Chart of Age and median ConvertedComp for the age group 25-30, what kind of correlation do you see between Age and median ConvertedComp? Answers NegativePositiveNo CorrelationHighly Negative Share the love Share this content Opens in a new window Opens in a new window Opens in a new window Opens in a new window Opens in a new window Opens in a new window Opens in a new window You Might Also Like Week 2 – Getting Started with Using Excel Speadsheets Week 6 – Final Exam and Project Module 3: File handling Leave a Reply Cancel replyCommentEnter your name or username to comment Enter your email address to comment Enter your website URL (optional) Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment.