Module 3: File handling

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In this post, I provide accurate answers and detailed explanations for Module 3: File handling of Course 2: Programming with JavaAmazon Junior Software Developer Professional Certificate.

Whether you’re preparing for quizzes or brushing up on your knowledge, these insights will help you master the concepts effectively. Let’s dive into the correct answers and detailed explanations for each question.

Knowledge check: Introduction to file handling

Practice Assignment

1. Why is file handling important in programming? Select all that apply.

  • It facilitates data exchange between different programs or systems.
  • It allows programs to store data permanently.
  • It enables programs to create and maintain logs for tracking operations and errors.
  • It automatically optimizes the speed and performance of a program.

2. Which of the following are examples of text-based files? Select all that apply.

  • Log Files
  • Compressed Files
  • XML Files
  • JSON Files

3. What is an absolute file path in computing?

  • A path that specifies the complete path to a file or directory, starting from the root of the file system.

  • A path that automatically creates directories if they do not exist.
  • A path that specifies the location of a file or directory relative to the current working directory.
  • A path that can change depending on where the program is run.

4. True or False: The File class in Java can create a new file on disk using the createNewFile() method after a File object is instantiated.

  • True
  • False

5. You are working on a Java project that involves managing files within a specific directory. You have written the following Java code to check the existence and properties of a file named notes.txt located in the Documents directory:

Based on this code snippet, which of the following statements do you believe are true? Select all that apply.

  • The exists() method checks if a file or directory exists at the specified path.
  • The isFile() method checks if the specified path is a file.
  • The statement File notes File = new File(“Documents/notes.txt”); creates a File object that represents a path to the file.
  • The getAbsolutePath() method changes the file path to an absolute path.

Knowledge check: Introduction to software development

Practice Assignment

6.Which of the following statements are true regarding the byte streams and character streams in Java? Select all that apply.

  • Byte streams are faster than character streams.
  • Byte streams handle raw bytes, while character streams handle characters.
  • Byte streams cannot be used with binary files.
  • Character streams can only be used with binary files.

7.What is the purpose of character encoding?

  • To store only Latin characters and numbers.
  • To perform r/w operations on binary files.
  • To compress text files.
  • To standardize the representation of characters in different languages.

8.The ConnectSphere developers are working on a Java application that requires employee information to be stored in a text file. Which of the following classes can they use? Select all that apply.

  • FileReader
  • PrintWriter
  • FileWriter
  • Writer

9.True or False: Reader class is an abstract class in the package.

  • True
  • False

10. Which of the following statements correctly opens a file in append mode?

  • Writer writer = new Writer(“output.txt”, true);
  • FileWriter writer = new FileWriter(“output.txt”);
  • FileWriter writer = new FileWriter(“output.txt”, “append”);
  • FileWriter writer = new FileWriter(“output.txt”, true);

Knowledge check: File IO operations

Practice Assignment

11. Which of the following are methods provided by the File class for performing standard file I/O operations? Select all that apply.

  • copyFile(File src, File dest)
  • renameTo(File dest)
  • delete()
  • createNewFile()

12. Ture or False: The readObject() method is used to serialize an object to a file in Java.

  • True
  • False

13. What will the following code do if example.txt already contains the text "Old content"?

  • The file will now contain”Old content” and “New content”.
  • The file will be overwritten with “New content”.
  • The file will throw an exception since it already exists.
  • The file will only keep “New content” and remove the old content.

14. You have a directory that contains multiple subdirectories and files. You only need to delete a specific directory if it is empty. Which of the following approaches should you take?

  • Use File.delete() and handle any exceptions that occur if the directory is not empty.
  • Use File.delete() directly on the directory.
  • Check if the directory is empty using File.list() and then use File.delete() if File.list() returns an empty array.
  • Use File.listFiles() to delete all directory contents before deleting the directory itself.

15. Which methods can navigate directories in Java using the File class? Select all that apply.

  • File.renameTo(File dest)
  • File.mkdir()
  • File.getParent()
  • File.listFiles()

Module quiz: File handling

Graded Assignment

16. Given the following code snippet, which part of it is responsible for creating a new file object?

File file =newFile("sample.txt");

  • newFile()

  • “sample.txt”
  • file =newFile();
  • File file

17. Sarah needs to check whether a directory named “projects” exists in her workspace. Which method should Sarah use?

  • isDirectory()
  • exists()
  • createNewFile()
  • isFile()

18. Tom needs to read user input from a file named “input.txt.” Which class should Tom use to do this efficiently in Java? Select all that apply.

  • FileInputStream
  • BufferedReader
  • FileReader
  • File

19. What does the following code do?

  • Reads from “output.txt”.
  • Appends “Hello, World!” to “output.txt”.
  • Writes “Hello, World!” to “output.txt”.
  • Deletes “output.txt”.

20. David needs to process a text file containing UTF-8 encoded data. Which stream type should he use?

  • Byte stream
  • Character stream
  • Object stream
  • Data stream

21. What is character encoding in the context of file handling?

  • A method to compress files.
  • A technique to represent characters in bytes.
  • A way to secure files.
  • A process to increase file read speed.

22. Mark needs to write user input to a text file called “user_input.txt” line by line. Which combination of classes should he use?

  • FileWriter and BufferedWriter
  • FileOutputStream and DataOutputStream
  • FileWriter and BufferedReader
  • FileWriter and PrintWriter

23. What does the following code snippet do?

  • Write an integer to “binary.dat”.
  • Reads an integer from “binary.dat”
  • Deletes “binary.dat”.
  • Writes a String to “binary.dat”.

24. Why is it important to close file streams in Java?

  • To avoid memory retention.
  • To prevent file access issues due to file locking.
  • To release system resources.
  • To prevent performance degradation due tot unclosed resources..

25. How can you append data to an existing file in Java without overwriting the current contents of the file?

  • Use FileWriter with append mode.
  • Use PrintWriter without append mode.
  • Use BufferedWriter without append mode.
  • Use FileReader with append mode.

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