programming with javascript coursera answers
Week 1 – Introduction to Javascript
programming with javascript coursera week 1 quiz answers Knowledge check: Welcome to Programming 1. What is the data type of the value “Hello, World”? Answers
Week 2 – The Building Blocks of a Program
programming with javascript coursera week 2 quiz answers Knowledge check: Arrays, Objects and Functions 1. What data type is the variable item ? var item
Week 3 – Programming Paradigms
programming with javascript coursera week 3 quiz answers Knowledge check: Introduction to Functional Programming 1. What will print out when the following code runs? var
Week 4 – Testing
programming with javascript coursera week 4 quiz answers Knowledge check: Introduction to testing 1. What is the correct way to export the timesTwo function as
Week 5 – End-of-Course Graded Assessment
programming with javascript coursera week 5 quiz answers Final graded quiz: Programming with JavaScript 1. What will be the output of the following JavaScript? const