rhino 3d linkedin assessment answers
1. When inspecting a surface model in a Rhino viewport, which statement is true?
- Rhino stores the NUBS representation on the graphic card so that it is perfectly smooth.
- Only the wireframe view shows the true NURBS geometry.
- Only the shaded view actually shows the true NURBS geometry.
- The viewport depicts a mesh approximation of the surface dependent on the render mesh settings.
2. What is the standard way to reset the gumball to default settings?
- Select the gumball while pressing the Esc key.
- Turn the gumball on and off in the modeling aids.
- Double-click the menu ball while holding down the Shift key.
- Click the menu ball and then select Reset Gumball.
3. What does "Zoo" refer to in Rhino?
- The Zoo is backup cloud storage
- The Zoo is a type of render farm.
- The Zoo is a file sharing system.
- The Zoo is a floating license manager.
4. Is there an order that you need to observe when using the Matchsrf command?
- No, there is no significant difference
- Yes, from the trimmed surface to the untrimmed surface.
- Yes, from the smaller surface to the larger surface.
- Yes, from the untrimmed surface to the trimmed surface.
5. What does the basic surface fillet do?
- It creates a radiused surface (whose edges are blended) between two surfaces.
- It creates a radiused surface (whose edges are variable) between two surfaces.
- It creates a radiused surface (whose edges are parallel) between two surfaces.
- It creates a radiused surface (whose edges are locked) between two surfaces.
6. What does the Join 2 Naked Edges command do?
- All of these answers are true depending on the circumstance.
- It temporarily alters the set tolerance for each specific instance to which it is applied.
- It successively automates the Patch and Trim commands.
- It averages the distance each edge must move to be joined.
7. You are preparing two surfaces-each with curvature in two opposing directions--before executing a BlendSrf. What is the most reliable way to trim them to achieve a controllable blend?
- Create and project a trim line to map a parallel surface to then create a trimming plane.
- Generate isocurves from each surface in the desired orientation, then Split surface by Isocurve.
- Trim surfaces to create a “rough” boundary, use Duplicate Edge, pipe the resulting curve with the desired radius, and trim.
- Pull a surface boundary line from a proxy surface that is parallel to the intended trim line.
8. How can you access Rhino options and settings?
- Go to the Panels menu
- Click File > Preferences (Windows) or Options > File Options (Mac).
- Click Options > Tools (Windows) or File > Settings (Mac).
- Click Panels > Object Properties (Windows) or File > Object Properties (Mac).
9. When saving a command to a button, what does using the underscore (_) ensure?
- It allows the command line entries to be recorded in History.
- It establishes a command as a standalone command.
- It ensures the command runs as an English-language command name.
- It allows a command to be undone at a later date.
10. You are removing a planar face of a mesh object where a group of faces may need editing. What is a good tool to use?
- SelMeshPart
- MeshSplit
- UnweldEdge
- ExtractConnectedMeshFaces
11. What does the Check Object (Windows) or Check (Mac) command do?
- It analyzes an object and reports only when it is successfully created.
- It analyzes an object and recommends fixes for errors if it has any
- It analyzes an object and reports on only errors present in data structure.
- It analyzes an object for its integrity and reports on whether its data structure is valid or not.
12. What is the most basic type of fillet called?
- rolling ball fillet
- soften fillet
- rail fillet
- scribed line fillet
13. What is the primary function of the Crv2View command in the most direct terms?
- It creates one curve from two planar curves existing in different views.
- It creates one curve from multiple curves existing in two different views.
- It creates one or more curves from two planar curves existing in different views.
- It creates one planar curve from the edges of a surface from two views.
15. When is a surface not developable?
- when it has compound curvature
- when it has interior cutouts or holes
- when it has no curvature
- when it has single curvature