using ar foundation in unity coursera week 4 quiz answers

Asteroids AR: Finish game development quiz

1. Which two states did you use to create the UFO? Select all that apply.

  • Attacking
  • UFO
  • Cooldown
  • Idle

2. By adding the Die() function to the On Zero Health event, the UFO disappears and the mystery box shows up on screen. Select the best answer.

  • True
  • False

3. To add sound to the game, you need to create C# code to play the audio files and attach this script to a scriptable object. Select the best answer.

  • True
  • False

4. Fill in the blank. You add an explosion visual effect that is triggered when the UFO takes damage and its health trickles down to 0%. For this visual effect to work, make sure the ________________ box is checked. Select the best answer.

  • Prefab
  • Sphere Collider
  • TextMeshPro
  • Game view

5. Which field will communicate with the GameState.cs script to increase the shooter’s score if they destroy a UFO or asteroid? Select the best answer.

  • GameState
  • IncreaseScore
  • OnIncreaseScore
  • AddScore

Using AR Foundation quiz

6. What are the three GameObjects that a typical AR scene in Unity only has in the Hierarchy? Select all that apply.

  • AR Directional Light
  • AR Session
  • AR Session Origin
  • AR Camera

7. Which SDK communicates with the AR framework and features of an Apple (iOS) device? Select the best answer.

  • ARCore
  • XR Plug-In Management
  • AR Foundation
  • ARKit

8. You use Prefab Mode to adjust the position, rotation and scale of your model. Select the best answer.

  • True
  • False

9. Unity uses a special kind of TextMeshPro called a canvas to display 2D images for the user interface. Select the best answer.

  • True
  • False

10. Markers are useful to identify GameObjects for scripting purposes. Select the best answer.

  • True
  • False

11. Select all that apply to fill in the blanks. Audio sources can control __________, __________ and __________ settings.

  • volume
  • file location settings
  • priority
  • spatial sound

12. Select all that apply to fill in the blanks. When you create a new project, there may be features activated that can affect the performance of your AR game. If not needed, you should deactivate the ___________ and ___________ to make your AR game less resource intensive.

  • Plane manager
  • AR Session Origin
  • Visual Scripting
  • Anchor manager

13. Select the best answer to fill in the blank. In the Asteroids AR game, the purpose of the Player.cs script is to ____________.

  • handle user input for shooting bullets
  • align the AR camera with the player’s AR device
  • add to the Player’s score when a GameObject is destroyed
  • manage the player’s health

14. Functions display editable fields in the Inspector view. Select the best answer.

  • True
  • False

15. By adding the OnStartAttacking()function to the On Zero Health event, the UFO disappears and the mystery box shows up on screen. Select the best answer.

  • True
  • False

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