foundations of business intelligence coursera week 4 quiz answers
Assess your Course 1 end-of-course project
This is the rubric for the Course 1 end-of-course project. You will use this rubric to review and grade your own work. The rubric grading process is an important part of the learning experience because it allows you to objectively assess your project against a set of criteria.
There are a total of 10 points for the end-of-course project and 10 items in this rubric. Each rubric item is worth 1 point. The items correspond to each step you completed.
To use the rubric, first open your business intelligence documents. Next, review each item’s grading criteria. Then respond to the statements by marking “yes” or “no.”
When you complete and submit the rubric, you will receive a percentage score. This score will help you confirm whether you completed the required steps of the end-of-course project. The recommended passing grade for this project is 80% (or 8/10 points). If you want to increase your score, revise your project, then resubmit this rubric to reflect your updates. Try to achieve at least 8 points before continuing on to the next course.
1. The relevant datasets have been accessed and applied to the project.
- Yes
- No
2. Key details from the meeting notes are identified and documented.
- Yes
- No
3. The primary stakeholders are identified and documented.
- Yes
- No
4. The relevant business questions are identified and documented.
- Yes
- No
5. The primary requirements for the final deliverable are identified and documented.
- Yes
- No
6. The function of the dashboard—including access, scope, filters, and granularity—is identified and documented.
- Yes
- No
7. The metrics to be included in the final dashboard are identified and documented.
- Yes
- No
8. Outlines for a minimum of three charts to be included in the final dashboard are documented.
- Yes
- No
9. Information about each chart includes details about the required metrics and dimensions.
- Yes
- No
10. The project planning documents provide relevant information that prepares the project for next steps.
- Yes
- No