css linkedin assessment answers
1. The calc() CSS function is often used for calculating relative values. In the example below, what is the specified margin-left value?
- The left margin value is equal to 5% of the viewport width plus 5px.
- The left margin value is equal to 5% of the selected element’s width (.example) plus 5px.
- The left margin value is equal to 5% of the closest positioned element’s width plus 5px.
- The left margin value is equal to 5% of its parent element’s width plus 5px.
2. Suppose you want to have a list of items (.item) displayed in a row and in reverse order using flexbox. What is the error in the CSS below?
- The flex-direction property should be declared in the container.
- The .container element should have a property of flex: display.
- The value for flex-direction should be reverse-row.
- The display value should be flex-inline to display the items in a row.
5. Which answer is an example of a type selector (also sometimes referred to as an element selector)?
- #header {…}
- header > hl {…}
- .header {…}
- header {…}
6. What is the correct selector for targeting all text inputs that are not disabled?
- input[type*=”text”]:not ([disabled=”disabled”]) {…}
- input[type=”text” ]: not (“disabled”) {…}
- input[type=”text” ]: not ([type=”disabled” ]) {…}
- input[type=”text”]: not ([disabled)) {…}
8. Which choice is a valid example of a comment in CSS?
- # This line has been cancelled.
- // This line has been cancelled.
- — This line has been cancelled.
- /* This line has been cancelled. */
9. What style rule should you apply to the img element to display the element in grayscale with no color?
- img {
filter: grayscale(0); } - img {
transform: grayscale(1); } - img {
transform: grayscale(0); } - img {
filter: grayscale(1) ; }
10. What style rule should you use to display all input elements that have failed the validation test with a red font?
- input.not (valid) {
color: red; } - input: invalid {
color: red; } - input. invalid f
color: red; } - input.valid[false] {
color: red; }
11. Which stvle rule will extend the header element across an entire grid row from the first column through the last column?
- header {
grid-column: 1/-1; } - header {
grid-column: -1/1;
} - header {
grid-column: 1/100%; } - header {
grid-column: 1/auto; }
12. To rotate an object 30 degrees counterclockwise, which style property would you apply?
- transform: rotate(30deg) ;
- rotate: 30deg;
- transform: rotate(-30deg) ;
- spin: 30deg;
13. What style rule would set the font color of only paragraph two to blue?
<p>paragraph one</p>
<p›paragraph two</p>
- section > p {color: blue; }
- section + p {color: blue;}
- p {color: blue;}
- p+ section {color: blue;}
14. To prevent a background image from tiling in any direction, which style property would you apply?
- background-repeat: none;
- background-tile: none;
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
- background-repeat: fixed;
15. Which style rule would you apply to set the background image to display the contents of the wood. png file?
- background-image: wood.png;
- background-image: url(‘wood.png’) ;
- image: wood.png;
- background-image: file(‘wood.png’) ;