Module 1: Wireframes and mockups

Introduction to prototyping

Practice Assignment

1. What is one of the primary benefits of prototyping in UX design? Choose the best answer.

  • Reducing the need for user testing
  • Ensuring final design perfection
  • Receiving early feedback

  • Lowering overall development costs

2. Which of the following are benefits of prototyping in the design thinking process? Select all that apply.

  • User validation

  • Early feedback

  • Design iteration

  • Final product delivery

3. Which statement best describes a wireframe?

  • An interactive prototype of the final product
  • A detailed and realistic representation of a user interface
  • A series of user feedback sessions
  • A basic visual guide outlining the structure and layout of a user interface

4. What are some key differences between wireframes, mockups, and prototypes? Select all that apply.

  • Prototypes allow for user interaction and testing.

  • Mockups include detailed design elements and visuals.

  • Prototypes are static, shareable images of the final product.
  • Wireframes focus on layout and structure.

5. During the evolution of a design idea, which step comes immediately before creating an interactive prototype?

  • Writing user stories
  • Building the final product
  • Conducting user testing
  • Developing a high-fidelity mockup

Activity: Fidelity levels

Practice Assignment

In this activity, you'll dive into the world of prototypes, examining examples at various fidelity levels—low, mid, and high. Your goal is to understand the differences and determine when each fidelity level is most appropriate. This analysis will help you grasp the nuances of prototyping and enhance your ability to choose the right fidelity for different design scenarios.

Review fidelity levels
Review each fidelity level and then answer the questions that follow.

Low-fidelity prototypes
Low-fidelity prototypes are basic and abstract representations of the design concept. They are typically hand-drawn or created with simple digital tools and focus on the structure and functionality of the design rather than visual details. Low-fidelity prototypes are useful in the early stages of design when exploring multiple ideas quickly and cheaply. They help communicate the basic layout and interaction flow of the design, allowing for early feedback and iteration without investing too much time or resources. Here’s an example of what a low-fi prototype could look like:

Mid-fidelity prototypes

Mid-fidelity prototypes are more detailed than low-fidelity ones but still lack the final visual polish. They may include placeholder content and basic visual elements to give a more realistic representation of the final product. Mid-fidelity prototypes are useful for testing more complex interactions and refining the overall user experience. They strike a balance between detail and speed, making them ideal for iterative design processes where feedback is crucial. Here’s an example of what a mid-fi prototype could look like:

High-fidelity prototypes

High-fidelity prototypes closely resemble the final product in terms of visual design and functionality. They are often interactive, with realistic content and detailed visual elements. High-fidelity prototypes are used to demonstrate the look and feel of the final product and are useful for user testing, stakeholder presentations, and gathering final feedback before development. They help validate design decisions and ensure that the final product meets user and business requirements. Here’s an example of what a high-fi prototype could look like:

6. You are tasked with quickly exploring various layout options for a new mobile app interface. You need to test basic user interactions and gather feedback from stakeholders. Which fidelity level would be most suitable for this scenario? Select the best answer.

  • Mid-fidelity
  • Low-fidelity

  • High-fidelity

7. You have finalized the basic layout of your mobile app interface and are now focusing on refining the visual design and interactions. You want to test more detailed user interactions and gather feedback from a smaller group of users. Which fidelity level would be most suitable for this scenario? Select the best answer.

  • Low-fidelity
  • Mid-fidelity

  • High-fidelity

8. You are preparing to present your mobile app design to stakeholders for final scope and budget approval for development to begin. You want to showcase the design with realistic visuals and interactions to accurately convey the user experience. Which fidelity level would be most suitable for this scenario? Select the best answer.

  • High-fidelity

  • Low-fidelity
  • Mid-fidelity

Prototyping fidelity and tools

Practice Assignment

9. When choosing a prototyping tool, which of the following tools is known for its strong collaborative features and ease of use for both designers and non-designers? Choose the best answer.

  • Sketch
  • InVision
  • Figma

  • Adobe XD

10. Which of the following are strengths of using Adobe XD for prototyping? Select all that apply.

  • Ability to create interactive prototypes

  • Strong real-time collaboration features
  • Integration with other Adobe tools

  • High fidelity design capabilities

11. Jessica, a UX designer, is in the early stages of a new project. She needs to quickly explore different design ideas and focus on the core functionality of the application. Which prototyping fidelity level should she use for this phase of her project? Choose the best answer.

  • High-fidelity
  • No-fidelity
  • Low-fidelity

  • Mid-fidelity

12. What are some advantages of starting with low-fidelity prototypes? Select all that apply.

  • Testing detailed user interactions
  • Rapid iteration

  • Focus on core functionality

  • Encouraging quick exploration of multiple design ideas

13. Liam is preparing to present his design to stakeholders and wants to ensure the final visual design and user experience are accurately represented. Which prototyping fidelity level should he use to validate his design before development begins? Choose the best answer.

  • No-fidelity
  • Low-fidelity
  • High-fidelity

  • Mid-fidelity

Wireframing solutions

Practice Assignment

14. Samantha is working on a new mobile app design. She wants to explore different design ideas quickly without focusing too much on the visual details. What approach should Samantha use at this stage of her project? Choose the best answer.

  • Finalizing the visual design early
  • Avoiding the use of design tools
  • Reducing the need for user testing
  • Creating low-fidelity prototypes

15. During a brainstorming session for a new website layout, Carlos and his team want to ensure they have a clear understanding of the user journey and information structure. Which of the following practices should they follow when wireframing? Select all that apply.

  • Add detailed visual elements.
  • Define user flows.

  • Establish information hierarchy.

  • Consider layout consistency.

16. Emily has created a low-fidelity wireframe for her e-commerce site. She is now ready to add visual design elements like color, typography, and images to make the design more realistic. What is Emily creating at this stage? Choose the best answer.

  • A basic sketch
  • The final product
  • A mid-fidelity mockup

  • A high-fidelity prototype

17. Tom is transitioning his design from a wireframe to a mockup. He wants to ensure his mockup is user-friendly and visually appealing. What tips should he follow to achieve this? Select all that apply.

  • Deprioritize spacing and alignment
  • Incorporate basic UI components

  • Choose appropriate typography

  • Use consistent colors

18. Jake is preparing to present his polished prototype to stakeholders. He needs to validate the final visual design and user experience. Which prototyping fidelity level should he use? Choose the best answer.

  • No-fidelity
  • Low-fidelity
  • Mid-fidelity
  • High-fidelity

Usability testing fundamentals

Practice Assignment

19. Why is conducting usability testing important in UX design? Choose the best answer.

  • It helps gather marketing data.
  • It helps the team identify usability issues early.

  • It reduces development costs.
  • It helps with finalizing the visual design.

20. Which of the following are basic concepts of usability testing? Select all that apply.

  • Recruiting participants

  • Conducting effective tests

  • Planning a test session

  • Marketing to focus groups

21. Alex is developing a usability testing plan for a new design mockup. What should be his first step in this process? Choose the best answer.

  • Recruiting participants
  • Defining test objectives

  • Outlining a data collection strategy
  • Creating tasks for users

22. In usability testing, which elements should be included in a test plan? Select all that apply.

  • Outlining a data collection strategy

  • Creating tasks for users

  • Defining test objectives

  • Designing the final product

23. Emma is revising a design based on user testing feedback. What should be her primary focus? Choose the best answer.

  • Addressing identified usability issues

  • Reducing development costs
  • Incorporating advanced visual elements
  • Increasing the number of features

Project: Wireframing for the grocery shopping app

Practice Assignment

Project scenario

In this phase of the capstone project, you will bring together all the insights and planning from previous modules to design a mobile app tailored to your user personas’ grocery shopping needs. Your users need a solution that aligns with their health goals, enhances efficiency, and respects their budget. Drawing from your user research and information architecture, you'll now embark on crafting a user-centered app that addresses these core needs, ensuring a seamless and satisfying shopping experience for your target audience.


The purpose of this project is to apply your knowledge of wireframing and mockups to a real-world scenario, focusing on building a mobile app for your target audience.


Before you begin, open the The Grocery Shopping App Template PowerPoint file that you’ve saved previously to a location that is easily accessible. If you have not yet downloaded the PowerPoint file, do so now. You will continue to add to this PowerPoint file throughout the certificate and at the end, this will be your completed portfolio. There is guidance on what to include in the beginning slides and template slides towards the bottom of the PowerPoint deck. Use the completed portfolio to showcase your work and share with potential employers, demonstrating your skills and experience in UX/UI design.

For this project, you will continue using the same persona card and summary of user needs that you used in previous projects. Please ensure that you continue with the same user need that you decided on previously. In addition, you’ll need to reference your information architecture that you created in the previous project.

If you haven’t done so already, download the user persona cards and save the PDF somewhere where it is easily accessible. You will continue to use the user persona cards throughout the certificate.

Summary of user needs

Reduced time commitment: Users want to streamline the grocery shopping process to save time in busy schedules.

Meal planning support: Users struggle to plan healthy meals throughout the week and need tools or resources to simplify this task.

Recipe inspiration: Users desire easy-to-follow, delicious, and healthy recipe options that fit their dietary preferences.

Efficient shopping: Users seek a way to avoid impulse purchases and make efficient grocery shopping decisions based on a pre-defined plan.

Budget-conscious options: Users want to find affordable and healthy meal options that fit their budget.

Seamless purchasing: Users need a way to seamlessly purchase groceries directly within the app, eliminating the need for a separate shopping trip.

Step 1: Create low-fidelity wireframes for your chosen user need In this step, start by creating low-fidelity wireframes for your chosen user need. These wireframes can be sketched by hand or created using a digital tool such as Figma. Referencing your information architecture, select the screens you'll be wireframing, focusing on key interactions and layout. You should have a wireframe for the home screen of the app, as well as about three to five other screens. These wireframes will serve as the foundation for your app's design, allowing you to quickly iterate and refine your ideas. Here’s an example of a low-fidelity wireframe:

Pay attention to the annotations, as they help the viewer understand the relationships between screens. It's a best practice to include small notes that explain how the app will function, especially since it's not a clickable prototype.

Step 2: Create mid-fidelity wireframes for your app
Now that you have your low-fidelity wireframes, it's time to enhance them with mid-fidelity mockups. Building on the established functionality and layout from your low-fidelity wireframes, these mid-fidelity wireframes will add visual elements to enhance the user experience.

In Figma, add more visual elements to better represent the final look and feel of your app. These wireframes should clearly demonstrate what goes where on each screen and the types of elements that will be present, helping to solidify the overall design direction for your app. Here’s an example of a mid-fidelity wireframe:

Notice how while the basic elements from the low-fidelity wireframe are still present, there may be slight changes or refinements to the layout after increasing the fidelity of the design. It is important to continually improve your designs at each step rather than simply creating a carbon copy of your initial ideas.

Step 3: Add your wireframes to your portfolio
Now that you have created your low and mid-fidelity wireframes for the grocery shopping app, it's time to add them to your portfolio. Include both sets of wireframes, and briefly explain the rationale behind your design decisions. Describe how your designs address the user needs identified in the earlier stages of the project, emphasizing the user-centric approach you have taken in designing the app. This will showcase your design thinking process and the iterative nature of your design decisions.

24. What is a best practice when creating low-fidelity wireframes? Select the best answer.

  • Use actual images instead of placeholders.
  • Make the wireframes interactive for testing purposes.
  • Use a variety of colors to differentiate elements.
  • Include detailed annotations to explain functionality.

25. What is the purpose of creating mid-fidelity wireframes for your app? Select the best answer.

  • To finalize the design with colors, typography, and images
  • To gather feedback from users on the app’s usability
  • To create a basic layout of the app’s functionality
  • To add visual elements and enhance the user experience while maintaining functionality

26. Reflect on your experience creating both low and mid-fidelity wireframes for the grocery app. What did you find most challenging? How do you think these wireframes have helped you better understand the user needs and the overall design of the app?

The most challenging part of creating both low and mid-fidelity wireframes was ensuring that the layout effectively balanced user needs, such as meal planning and budget-conscious options, while keeping the interface simple. Additionally, it was important to ensure that the design aligned with user personas’ goals, especially around reducing time spent shopping. The wireframes helped me better understand the user’s needs by forcing me to consider the app’s core functions and user flow. They allowed me to iterate on design decisions before adding final visual details, ensuring the app would be user-friendly and efficient.

Wireframes and mockups

Graded Assignment

27. When comparing mockups and prototypes, which features are unique to prototypes and distinguish them from mockups? Select all that apply.

  • Ability to collect user feedback through usability testing

  • Accurate color and typography application
  • Interactive transitions and navigation between screens

  • Complete layout with placeholder content

28. Which of the following features distinguish mockups from wireframes? Select all that apply.

  • Mockups add polished visual elements and layout details.

  • Mockups apply accurate color schemes and typography.

  • Mockups show the basic structure and core functionality without visuals.
  • Mockups include interactive navigation flows and animations.

29. In which scenario is it most beneficial to use a mid-fidelity prototype during the design process? Choose the best answer.

  • When gathering feedback on finalized aesthetics
  • When refining user flows and incorporating basic visual elements

  • When developing the final high-fidelity product
  • When creating initial rough sketches and exploring various ideas

30. Which level of prototype fidelity is best for gathering detailed feedback on user interactions and aesthetics before final development? Choose the best answer.

  • Low-fidelity prototype
  • Mid-fidelity prototype
  • High-fidelity prototype

  • Paper sketch

31. A UX team begins the prototyping stage with low-fidelity prototypes. What is the primary advantage of this approach? Choose the best answer.

  • Finalizing the design quickly
  • Allowing for rapid iteration and broad exploration of ideas

  • Creating detailed animations
  • Testing final design aesthetics

32. When starting broad with low-fidelity prototypes, what are some of the primary goals? Select all that apply.

  • Developing detailed visual elements and final aesthetics
  • Exploring multiple design directions and concepts

  • Quickly identifying and addressing usability issues

  • Avoiding iterations and focusing on a single design solution

33. In a project for redesigning a news website, why is it beneficial to wireframe several different solutions before moving to higher-fidelity prototypes? Choose the best answer.

  • Finalize the interactive features of the website.
  • Select the final color palette early.
  • Evaluate and compare different user flow and layout options.

  • Implement detailed visual design elements early.

34. What is the primary goal of a usability testing plan in UX design? Choose the best answer.

  • To determine the technical feasibility of a product’s features
  • To provide a roadmap for identifying usability issues and gathering insights

  • To create a marketing strategy for launching the product
  • To finalize the visual design of a product

35. During a usability test for a new fitness app, participants struggled to find the workout tracking feature. What should be the design team's next step? Choose the best answer.

  • Increase the app’s marketing budget.
  • Release the app as it is.
  • Add more colors to the app’s interface.
  • Analyze the test results and iterate the design to improve the discoverability of the feature.

36. After conducting a usability test for an educational website, the team discovered that users had difficulty navigating the course catalog to find specific courses. What is the most appropriate action to take next? Choose the best answer.

  • Increase the text size on the homepage.
  • Add more graphics to the website.
  • Redesign the course catalog to make it easier for users to browse, filter, and find specific courses.

  • Launch the website without changes.

37. While presenting your design process for a healthcare app, you need to showcase a deliverable that outlines the application's structure and user flows with a focus on core functionality rather than visuals. Which design deliverable would best fulfill this requirement? Choose the best answer.

  • Prototype
  • Blueprint
  • Wireframe

  • Mockup

38. Which characteristics typically differentiate high-fidelity prototypes from low-fidelity and mid-fidelity prototypes? Select all that apply.

  • Detailed interactions and polished visuals that closely resemble the final product
  • Advanced animations and interactive flows for usability testing
  • Placeholder text and minimal navigation options
  • Rough sketches with no specific color schemes or layouts

39. What are the primary benefits of using high-fidelity prototypes in the design process? Select all that apply.

  • Refine detailed visual and interactive elements.
  • Provide a realistic user experience for testing.
  • Focus on core functionality without visual details.
  • Facilitate rapid changes and broad exploration.

40. What are the key benefits of starting with low-fidelity prototypes in the early stages of design? Select all that apply.

  • Encouraging creative exploration of multiple design ideas
  • Rapid iteration and refinement of core functionality
  • Collecting extensive user feedback on final designs
  • Detailed visual design and high-quality aesthetics

41. During a brainstorming session, a UX team decides to use low-fidelity prototypes to start their project. What is the main purpose of this decision? Choose the best answer.

  • Implement the final user interface design.
  • Finalize the interactive features of the product.
  • Explore and test a variety of design concepts quickly.

  • Showcase the final visual design to stakeholders.

42. When tasked with wireframing multiple solutions for a new social media app, what is the primary purpose of creating several wireframes? Choose the best answer.

  • Gather extensive user feedback on visual elements.
  • Explore different layouts and functionalities.

  • Ensure all possible color schemes are tested.
  • Finalize the visual design.

43. You are conducting a usability test for a new e-commerce website. Which of the following should be key elements of your comprehensive usability testing plan? Select all that apply.

  • A chosen data collection method, such as observation, surveys, or recordings
  • Realistic user tasks or scenarios to be completed during the test
  • Clear and specific test objectives
  • Detailed user personas outlining demographics and preferences

44. Which steps are essential for conducting effective usability tests and iterating designs based on the results? Select all that apply.

  • Recruiting participants that match the target user profile

  • Creating tasks that reflect real-world usage scenarios

  • Focusing on feedback from the most experienced users
  • Iterating the design based on insights gathered from usability testing

45. While working on a new e-commerce platform, you're asked to define a low-fidelity version of the interface that maps out user flows and core features without the use of color or typography. What type of design deliverable is this? Choose the best answer.

  • Mockup
  • Prototype
  • Wireframe

  • Blueprint

46. Fill in the blank: The "______________" method of data collection during a usability test involves asking users to verbalize their thoughts as they interact with the product.

  • think-aloud protocol

  • post-test questionnaire
  • screen recording
  • card sorting

47. What is the primary goal of conducting usability tests during the design process? Choose the best answer.

  • Finalize the visual design.
  • Showcase the design to stakeholders.
  • Identify usability issues and gather feedback for design improvements.

  • Increase the project’s profitability.

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