data visualization with r coursera week 4 quiz answers
Final Exam
1. Which chart type shows the inner subdivision of a value among different categories or groups?
- Comparison charts
- Relationship charts
- Part to whole charts
- Correlation charts
2. Which chart is a type of trend chart?
- Line Plot
- Bar Charts
- Scatter plot
- Pie Chart
3. Which data visualization displays information about the distribution of a population?
- Histogram
- Pie Chart
- Scatter Plot
- Line Plot
4. Which two methods can be used to create scatter plots?
- qplot(), ggplot2()
- ggplot(), dplot()
- qplot(), dplot()
- qplot(), ggplot()
5. Which statement is true regarding box plots?
- It obscures the outliers in the data set.
- It divides the data set into quartiles.
- It displays categorical data.
- It displays the mean of the data set.
6. Which package can you use for extra themes and color scales for ggplot2?
- ggplot
- ggthemes
- tidymodels
- tidyverse
7. Which function should you use if you want to add markers to display a specific location on a map that you draw?
- addMarkers()
- addCircles()
- addProviderTiles()
- addTiles()
8. Which of the following is a true statement with regards to functions found in the Shiny library?
- fluidRow() creates a fluid page layout, which consists of rows that in turn include columns.
- The sidebartLayout() function scales components in real time to fill the entire browser width.
- splitLayout() function lays out elements vertically, dividing the available vertical space into equal parts.
- flowLayout() arranges elements in a layout with a side bar and main area.
9. Which function adds a title to a fluidPage layout?
- addTitle()
- titlePanel()
- tittleLayout()
- fluidTitle()
10. Which function is used to add a shiny server component?
- plotOutput()
- tabsetPanel()
- renderPlot()
- tabPanel()