Module quiz: Introduction to algorithms

11. Insertion sort is an example of divide and conquer?

  • True
  • False

12. Given an array of 6 numbers [6,8,19,48,9,90]and applying insertion sort, how many swaps must occur before the array is sorted?

  • 6
  • 2
  • 4

13. What time complexity is required to do a linear search?

  • O(n)
  • ((log (n))
  • O(1)

14. Why do we need Big-O notation to evaluate our programs?

  • Because sorting is complicated, and we need a complicated metric.
  • Because measuring time is relative to a person’s computer, so a relative metric is required.
  • Because sorting requires that things are moved around to save space.

15. What is parallelization?

  • It is about running code at the same time in threads or on separate computers.
  • It is about writing your code in one go.
  • It is about calling functions repetitively until they have achieved a base case.

16. Why would you decide to use recursion?

  • It lends itself well to a divide and conquer approach.
  • Recursion reduces the pressure on the compiler by making less stack calls.
  • It looks cool and makes your code seem more intelligent.

17. Why does Memoization work well with dynamic programming?

  • Because it takes a lot of memory to run some programs and memoization allows you to store data in smaller sizes.
  • It takes up less space in the hard drive.
  • It requires less compiling because it stores previous results, reducing the load on the CPU.

18. How are the principles of dynamic programming and greedy algorithms at odds with one another?

  • The principle of dynamic programming is to exhaustively compute the best solution, while a greedy approach will favor take the immediate best option.
  • The greedy algorithm will use up CPU by monopolizing resources.
  • Because dynamic programming will react with more agility to a program, while the greedy approach will be slower and more self-centered.

19. Why is a binary search conducted in O(log n) time?

  • It is not, it is conducted in O(n).
  • Regardless of the size of the input, at every step the number of calculations is halved.
  • Because as it searches it sorts the elements.

20 .

In the Fibonacci pseudocode above how many recursive instances can be seen?

  • 0
  • 1
  • 2

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