21. Which tcpdump command outputs detailed packet information?

  • sudo tcpdump -v any -i 
  • sudo tcpdump -i any -v
  • sudo tcpdump -i any -c 100
  • sudo tcpdump -i any -n

22. Examine the following tcpdump output:

22:00:19.538395 IP (tos 0x10, ttl 64, id 33842, offset 0, flags [P], proto TCP (6), length 196) > Flags [P.], cksum 0x50af (correct), seq 169, ack 187, win 501, length 42

What is the source IP address?

  • 22:00:19.538395
  • 41012

23. Why is network traffic monitoring important in cybersecurity? Select two answers.

  • It provides a method of classifying critical assets.
  • It helps detect network intrusions and attacks
  • It helps identify deviations from expected traffic flows.
  • It provides a method to encrypt communications.

24. What information do packet headers contain? Select three answers.

  • Protocols
  • Payload data
  • IP addresses
  • Ports

25. Fill in the blank: Network protocol analyzers can save network communications into files known as a _____.

  • protocol
  • packet capture
  • payload
  • network packet

26. Which layer of the TCP/IP model does the Internet Protocol (IP) operate on?

  • Internet
  • Application
  • Transport
  • Network Access

27. Examine the following tcpdump output:

22:00:19.538395 IP (tos 0x10, ttl 64, id 33842, offset 0, flags [P], proto TCP (6), length 196) > Flags [P.], cksum 0x50af (correct), seq 169, ack 187, win 501, length 42

Which protocols are being used? Select two answers.

  • TOS
  • UDP
  • IP
  • TCP

28. What are some defensive measures that can be used to protect against data exfiltration? Select two answers.

  • Utilize lateral movement
  • Monitor network activity
  • Deploy multi-factor authentication
  • Reduce file sizes

Shuffle Q/A 3

29. Network protocol analyzer tools are available to be used with which of the following? Select two answers.

  • Network interface card
  • Internet protocol
  • Graphical user interface
  • Command-line interface

30. Which IPv4 header fields involve fragmentation? Select three answers.

  • Flags
  • Identification
  • Type of Service
  • Fragment Offset

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