the path to insights: data models and pipelines coursera weekly challenge 1 answers

Test your knowledge: Data modeling, schemas, and databases

1. A business intelligence professional stores large amounts of raw data in its original format within a database system. Then, they can access the data whenever they need it for their BI project. What type of database are they using?

  • Data ecosystem
  • Data structure
  • Data storage
  • Data lake

2. Which of the following statements correctly describe primary and foreign keys? Select all that apply.

  • A primary key references a column or a group of columns in which each row uniquely identifies each record in the table.
  • A foreign key references a column or a group of columns in which each row uniquely identifies each record in the table.
  • A foreign key forms connections because it is a field within a database table that is a primary key in another table.
  • A primary key forms connections because it is a field within a database table that’s a primary key in another table.

3. Fill in the blank: A _____ schema is an extension of a star schema, which contains additional dimensions.

  • dimensional
  • responsive
  • geometric
  • snowflake

4. What type of database stores relevant data locally for analysis and less relevant data remotely?

  • Single-homed databases
  • Combined systems
  • Distributed databases
  • Separated storage and computing systems

Test your knowledge: Choose the right database

5. When designing a data warehouse, BI professionals take into account which of the following considerations? Select all that apply.

  • The model that the data warehouse will follow
  • The shape and volume of the data
  • The visualization tools that will be used for the dashboard
  • The business needs

6. Fill in the blank: Logical data modeling involves representing different _____ in a physical data model.

  • Tables
  • Schemas
  • Permissions
  • Users

7. A BI professional considers the relevant data for a project, the names and data types of table columns, formatting of data entries, and unique keys for database entries and objects. What will these activities enable them to accomplish?

  • Understand the logic behind their data warehouse design
  • Differentiate between several types of databases
  • Select appropriate elements for their database schema
  • Verify their business rules

Test your knowledge: How data moves

8. What is the term for the predetermined locations where pipeline data is sent in order to be acted on?

  • Application interface
  • Installations
  • Target tables
  • Data models

9. A BI professional uses a pipeline to access source systems, then reads and collects the necessary data from within them. Which ETL stage does this scenario describe?

  • Transform
  • All three stages involve this step
  • Extract
  • Load

10. Many BI tools are built upon similar principles and often have similar utilities. Therefore, a BI professional’s general understanding of one tool can be applied to others. What is this an example of?

  • A transferable skill
  • A key performance indicator
  • System scalability
  • Using a preferred vendor

Weekly challenge 1

11. Which of the following statements accurately describes Online Transaction Processing (OLTP) and Online Analytical Processing (OLAP) tools?

  • Both can analyze data from multiple databases. But Online Transaction Processing (OLTP) tools are optimized for analysis.
  • Both are optimized for analysis and processing. But Online Transaction Processing (OLTP) source systems can analyze data from multiple databases.
  • Both are optimized for processing. But Online Transaction Processing (OLTP) tools are also optimized for analysis and can analyze data from multiple databases.
  • Both are optimized for processing. But Online Analytical Processing (OLAP) tools are also optimized for analysis and can analyze data from multiple databases.

12. What does a design pattern enable business intelligence professionals to accomplish? Select all that apply.

  • Aggregate data
  • Set user permissions
  • Create a model that supports business needs
  • Use relevant measures and facts

13. Which of the following statements accurately describe primary keys? Select all that apply.

  • Only one primary key can exist in a table.
  • A primary key uniquely identifies each record in a table.
  • Several primary keys can exist in a table.
  • Primary keys can appear as foreign keys in other tables.

14. A dimensional model is a type of relational model that has been optimized in order to achieve what goal?

  • Quickly retrieve data from a warehouse
  • Avoid redundant data
  • Anonymize stored data
  • Clean and filter data

15. In a dimensional model, what is used to connect a dimension table to the appropriate fact table?

  • Data map
  • Foreign key
  • Primary key
  • Index

16. How many fact tables exist in a star schema?

  • One
  • An infinite number
  • Zero
  • Five

17. A business intelligence team is performing a database migration to improve the state of their database schemas. Which of the following activities may occur during their database migration? Select all that apply.

  • Splitting existing data fields
  • Maintaining data in its original source platform
  • Adding new data tables
  • Changing data types

18. Which of the following statements accurately describe row-based and columnar databases? Select all that apply.

  • Row-based databases are organized by rows; columnar databases are organized by columns.
  • In row-based databases, each row in the table is an instance or an entry in the database.
  • Columnar databases are often used in data warehouses.
  • In columnar databases, it’s necessary to pull data using all of the rows within the table.

19. A business intelligence team is working with a database system that stores and analyzes data in the same place. What type of database system are they using?

  • Distributed database system
  • Combined database system
  • Single-homed database system
  • Separated storage and computing system

20. There are four key elements within database schemas. The first is relevant data. What are the other three? Select all that apply.

  • Elimination of all database permissions
  • Consistent formatting across data entries
  • Unique keys for every database entry and object
  • Names and data types for each column in each table

21. Which of the following statements accurately describe the loading stage of the ETL process? Select all that apply.

  • Data is returned to its source.
  • Once the data has been delivered, it can exist in multiple formats.
  • Data is delivered to its target destination.
  • Once the data has been delivered, it can exist within multiple locations.

22. Object-oriented programming languages _____ data objects with code, enabling them to be used again later.

  • encode and translate
  • compile and group
  • label and define
  • interpret and analyze

23. Which type of tool can analyze data from multiple databases and is optimized for both analysis and processing?

  • Data mart
  • Online Transaction Processing (OLTP)
  • Data lake
  • Online Analytical Processing (OLAP)

24. In a dimensional model, what might facts represent? Select all that apply.

  • Metrics
  • Events
  • Supporting details
  • Attributes

25. FIll in the blank: In a dimensional model, a foreign key is used to connect a dimension table to the appropriate _____ table.

  • fact
  • primary
  • measurement
  • relationship

26. A business intelligence team wants to improve the state of their database schemas. While working toward this goal, they move data from one source platform to another target database. What process does this situation describe?

  • Database iteration
  • Data partitioning
  • Data throughput
  • Database migration

27. In row-based databases, each row in a table is an instance or an entry in the database. How are details about that instance recorded and organized?

  • By column
  • By table
  • By field
  • By row

28. In the ETL loading stage, what are typical target destinations to which the data might be delivered? Select all that apply.

  • Analytics platform
  • Data lake
  • Data warehouse
  • Website application

29. What type of programming language uses another program to read and execute coded instructions?

  • Object-oriented
  • Interpreted
  • Functional
  • Compiled

30. Fill in the blank: In order to create an effective data model, business intelligence professionals will often apply a _____, which uses relevant measures and facts to create a model that supports business needs.

  • target table
  • query plan
  • business rule
  • design pattern

31. In a dimensional model, what might dimensions represent? Select all that apply.

  • Attributes
  • Events
  • Metrics
  • Supporting details

32. In a snowflake schema, what is used to break down the schema into even more specific tables? Select all that apply.

  • Query plans
  • Dimensions
  • Fact tables
  • Subdimensions

33. Fill in the blank: A database schema must use _____ for each entry within the database in order to build connections between tables and enable users to combine relevant data.

  • unique keys
  • system commands
  • business rules
  • data partitions

34. In which stage of the ETL process is data delivered to a target system?

  • Transformation
  • Loading
  • All three stages
  • Extraction

35. Which of the following statements correctly describe Online Transaction Processing (OLTP) and Online Analytical Processing (OLAP) tools? Select all that apply.

  • Online Transaction Processing (OLTP) tools are optimized for analysis in addition to processing and can analyze data from multiple databases.
  • Online Analytical Processing (OLAP) tools are optimized for analysis in addition to processing and can analyze data from multiple databases.
  • Online Analytical Processing (OLAP) tools are optimized for data processing instead of analysis.
  • Online Transaction Processing (OLTP) tools are optimized for data processing instead of analysis.

36. Fill in the blank: A primary key references a _____ to uniquely identify records in the table.

  • row or group of rows
  • query
  • schema
  • column or group of columns

37. What are the key benefits of star and snowflake schemas? Select all that apply.

  • High-scale information delivery
  • More efficient output
  • Effective data monitoring
  • Efficient data analysis

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