the nuts and bolts of machine learning coursera week 1 quiz answers

Test your knowledge: Introduction to machine learning

1. Fill in the blank: Machine learning involves using algorithms and _____ to teach computer systems to analyze and discover patterns in data.

  • computer software
  • dynamic reports
  • decision-support systems
  • statistical models

2. A data professional using an unsupervised machine learning technique will ask a model to provide information based on a specified outcome.

  • True
  • False

3. Which approach to machine learning involves rewarding or punishing a computer’s behaviors?

  • Reinforcement learning
  • Supervised machine learning
  • Deep learning
  • Artificial intelligence

Test your knowledge: Categorical versus continuous data types and models

4. The weight of a surfboard is a continuous variable, whereas the number of surfboards currently at Bondi Beach is a discrete variable.

  • True
  • False

5. A data professional is working on a project that involves labeling thousands of books by their various book genres. What type of variable should they use when working with this dataset?

  • Categorical
  • Continuous
  • Discrete
  • Quantitative

Test your knowledge: Machine learning in everyday life

6. What term describes the subclass of machine learning algorithms that offers relevant suggestions to users?

  • Data models
  • Suggestion maps
  • Recommendation systems
  • Sensor techniques

7. Content-based systems are very effective at making recommendations across content types.

  • True
  • False

8. Fill in the blank: When several users actively like or dislike content by rating it or giving it a review, this enables _____ filtering.

  • crowdsourced
  • merit-based
  • preferential
  • collaborative

Test your knowledge: Ethics in machine learning

9. In recommendation systems, what term describes the phenomenon of more well-known items being recommended too frequently?

  • Fame factor
  • Trend partiality
  • Popularity bias
  • Non-objectivity

10. A data professional has just begun considering the intended purpose of a model and how harmful or significant its effects could be. Which PACE stage of model development does this scenario describe?

  • Analyze
  • Execute
  • Construct
  • Plan

Test your knowledge: Utilize the Python toolbelt for machine learning

11. What is the term for a software application that includes an interface for writing, running, and testing a piece of code?

  • CSV
  • VIF
  • HTML
  • IDE

12. Code completion automatically finishes what a data professional is typing based on the functions and variables that are present in their code.

  • True
  • False

13. What types of packages are used to load, structure, and prepare a dataset for further analysis?

  • Machine learning
  • Processing
  • Operational
  • Visualization

Test your knowledge: Machine learning resources for data professionals

14. Fill in the blank: Documentation is a _____ written by developers that includes specific information about various functions and features of a package.

  • checklist
  • workbook
  • code
  • guide

15. If a data professional requires guidance regarding a particular piece of hardware, which team should they reach out to?

  • Product management
  • Business intelligence
  • Marketing
  • Information technology

Weekly challenge 1

16. Which of the following statements correctly describe supervised and unsupervised machine learning? Select all that apply.

  • In unsupervised machine learning, data professionals ask the model to give them information without telling the model what the answer should be.
  • Unsupervised machine learning uses labeled datasets to train algorithms to classify or predict outcomes.
  • Supervised machine learning uses labeled datasets to train algorithms to classify or predict outcomes.
  • Unsupervised machine learning involves data professionals asking a model to give them information without specifying a desired outcome.

17. Fill in the blank: In the process of _____, policies will change depending on whether a reward or punishment is received.

  • quality assurance
  • artificial intelligence
  • deep learning
  • reinforcement learning

18. Which of the following items are continuous variables? Select all that apply.

  • A turtle’s age
  • Weight of a bowling ball
  • Number of forks in a kitchen drawer
  • Height of a skyscraper

19. Which of the following statements accurately describe content-based filtering? Select all that apply.

  • Content-based filtering does not require information from other users to work properly.
  • Content-based filtering recommends more of what a user likes.
  • Content-based filtering properties often have to be selected and mapped manually.
  • Content-based filtering effectively makes recommendations across content types.

20. Fill in the blank: One benefit of collaborative filtering is that it can effectively _____ across content types.

  • produce metadata
  • visualize data
  • eliminate outliers
  • make recommendations

21. A data professional is considering whether the data they are using to build a model is appropriate. Which PACE stage does this scenario describe?

  • Analyze
  • Execute
  • Construct
  • Plan

22. Which of the following statements accurately describe Python notebooks and scripts? Select all that apply.

  • Python scripts are useful for pairing code with human-readable descriptions and outputs.
  • Data professionals often alternate between Python notebooks and scripts.
  • Python notebooks are executed by a computer without the need for human supervision.
  • Data professionals can use both Python notebooks and scripts to execute code.

23. Fill in the blank: Matplotlib is a type of _____, which enables data professionals to create plots and graphs for data projects.

  • machine learning package
  • operational package
  • data visualization package
  • mathematical package

24. Fill in the blank: A data professional working on an email campaign may request assistance from the _____ department to understand the purpose of their data work and confirm they are working toward a clear target.

  • information technology
  • marketing
  • finance
  • business intelligence

25. Which of the following statements correctly describe supervised and unsupervised machine learning? Select all that apply.

  • Supervised machine learning uses labeled datasets to train algorithms to classify or predict outcomes.
  • Data professionals use supervised machine learning for prediction.
  • In supervised machine learning, data professionals ask the model to give them information without telling the model what the answer should be.
  • In unsupervised machine learning, data professionals ask the model to give them information without telling the model what the answer should be.

26. Fill in the blank: The terms machine learning and _____ both refer to training a computer to detect patterns in data without being explicitly programmed to do so.

  • coding
  • reinforcement learning
  • quality assurance
  • artificial intelligence

27. Which of the following items are discrete variables? Select all that apply.

  • Type of fast food restaurant
  • Total cars in a parking lot
  • Number of days in March
  • Amount of people in a household

28. A data professional is considering whether the data they are using to build a model is representative of the population. Which PACE stage does this scenario describe?

  • Analyze
  • Construct
  • Execute
  • Plan

29. Which of the following applications would be well-suited to the use of Python scripts? Select all that apply.

  • A task that requires a human-readable output
  • A program that incorporates several files
  • A program that contains errors in need of debugging
  • A task pairs code with human-readable descriptions.

30. Which of the following statements accurately describe content-based filtering? Select all that apply.

  • Content-based filtering does not require information from other users to work properly.
  • Content-based filtering can go beyond comparing items to recommending other things that match a user’s preferences.
  • Content-based filtering properties never have to be selected and mapped manually.
  • Content-based filtering is ineffective at making recommendations across content types.

31. A data professional is considering whether the data they are using to build a model is well-sourced. Which PACE stage does this scenario describe?

  • Analyze
  • Execute
  • Construct
  • Plan

32. What are some advantages of Python notebooks? Select all that apply.

  • They are useful for pairing code with human-readable descriptions and outputs.
  • They offer functional advantages, such as the ability to export PDF files.
  • Errors in the code can be easily debugged.
  • Noncode elements can be embedded directly into the file.

33. Fill in the blank: In a typical business, a data professional is most likely to request assistance from the _____ department to obtain preliminary information about a dataset.

  • marketing
  • information technology
  • business intelligence
  • sales

34. Fill in the blank: A key benefit of collaborative filtering is that it finds hidden _____ in the data.

  • contradictions
  • errors
  • duplicates
  • correlations

35. Fill in the blank: The data visualization package _____ is designed primarily for statistical visualization.

  • Matplotlib
  • Tableau
  • Plotly
  • Seaborn

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