List - Practice quiz

11. What is the purpose of the Java Collections Framework?

  • To provide a set of classes and interfaces for working with collections of objects.
  • To provide a set of classes and interfaces for working with input/output operations.
  • To provide a set of classes and interfaces for working with threads and concurrency.
  • To provide a set of classes and interfaces for working with graphical user interfaces (GUI).

12. Which of the following interfaces in Java Collections Framework extends the Collection interface and allows duplicate elements?

  • List
  • Set
  • Map
  • Queue

13. What is the main difference between ArrayList and Vector in Java?

  • ArrayList is synchronized, while Vector is not.
  • Vector is resizable, while ArrayList is not.
  • ArrayList allows duplicate elements, while Vector does not.
  • Vector is thread-safe, while ArrayList is not.

14. Which of the following is not a valid implementation of the List interface in Java Collections Framework?

  • ArrayList
  • LinkedList
  • HashSet
  • Vector

15. Which of the following classes in Java Collections Framework represents a last-in, first-out (LIFO) stack of objects?

  • List
  • Set
  • Map
  • Stack

Map - Practice Quiz

16. Which of the following Java Map implementations allows null keys and values, and does not maintain the insertion order of elements?

  • HashMap
  • Linked HashMap
  • Weak HashMap
  • EnumMap

17. Which of the following Java Map implementations maintains the insertion order of elements and allows null keys and values?

  • LinkedHashMap
  • TreeMap
  • SortedMap Interface
  • NavigableMap Interface

18. Which of the following Java Map implementations is a concurrent map that is designed to be used in multi-threaded environments and provides thread-safe operations without the need for external synchronization?

  • HashMap
  • TreeMap
  • ConcurrentHashMap
  • WeakHashMap

19. Which of the following Java Map implementations is a specialized map that uses weak references to keys, allowing the keys to be garbage collected if they are not used anywhere else in the program?

  • HashMap
  • LinkedHashMap
  • WeakHashMap
  • TreeMap

20. Which of the following Java Map implementations is a specialized map that is designed to be used with enum keys only?

  • HashMap
  • LinkedHashMap
  • EnumMap
  • TreeMap

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