Set - Practice quiz

21. Which of the following Java Set implementations does not allow duplicate elements and does not maintain any specific order of elements?

  • HashSet
  • EnumSet
  • LinkedHashSet
  • SortedSet Interface

22. Which of the following Java Set implementations maintains the insertion order of elements and does not allow duplicate elements?

  • HashSet
  • EnumSet
  • LinkedHashSet
  • SortedSet Interface

23. Which of the following Java Set implementations is a specialized set implementation that is designed to be used with enum elements only?

  • HashSet
  • EnumSet
  • LinkedHashSet
  • SortedSet Interface

24. Which of the following Java Set implementations maintains the elements in sorted order based on their natural ordering or a specified comparator?

  • HashSet
  • EnumSet
  • LinkedHashSet
  • TreeSet

25. Which of the following Java Set implementations provides additional methods for navigating through the elements in a specific order?

  • HashSet
  • EnumSet
  • LinkedHashSet
  • NavigableSet Interface

Data Structures - Graded Quiz

26. Which of the following Java Set Interface implementations maintains a unique identifier for each element?

  • Java HashSet
  • Java LinkedHashSet
  • Java TreeSet
  • All of the above

27. Which of the following Java Set Interface implementations maintains elements in sorted order based on their natural ordering?

  • Java HashSet
  • Java LinkedHashSet
  • Java TreeSet
  • Java EnumSet

28. Which of the following Java Set Interface implementations does not allow duplicate elements?

  • Java HashSet
  • Java LinkedHashSet
  • Java TreeSet
  • All of these

29. Which of the following Java Set Interface implementations does not guarantee any specific order of elements?

  • Java HashSet
  • Java LinkedHashSet
  • Java TreeSet
  • Java EnumSet

30. Which of the following Java Set Interface implementations provides methods for navigating through elements in sorted order?

  • Java HashSet
  • Java LinkedHashSet
  • Java TreeSet
  • Java NavigableSet

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