11. Fill in the blank: To assess the performance of a software application, security professionals use _____, including response time, availability, and failure rate.

  • dashboards
  • SIEM tools
  • logs
  • metrics

12. A security team installs a SIEM tool within their company’s own infrastructure to keep private data on internal servers. What type of tool are they using?

  • Hybrid
  • Infrastructure-hosted
  • Self-hosted
  • Cloud-hosted

13. You are a security analyst, and you want a security solution that will be fully maintained and managed by your SIEM tool provider. What type of tool do you choose?

  • Self-hosted
  • Solution-hosted
  • Cloud-hosted
  • Hybrid

14. Fill in the blank: Splunk Enterprise is a self-hosted tool used to retain, analyze, and search an organization's _____ to provide security information and alerts.

  • database
  • hardware
  • cloud applications
  • log data

15. Which of the following statements accurately describe Chronicle? Select three answers.

  • Cloud-native tools such as Chronicle are designed to take advantage of cloud computing availability.
  • Chronicle is designed to retain, analyze, and search data.
  • Self-hosted tools such as Chronicle are designed to give organizations more control over their data.
  • Chronicle performs data analysis.

16. Which type of tool typically requires users to pay for usage?

  • Open-source
  • Self-hosted
  • Proprietary
  • Cloud native

17. Which of the following statements correctly describe logs? Select three answers.

  • Actions such as using a username or password are recorded in a firewall log.
  • Events related to websites, emails, or file shares are recorded in a server log.
  • A network log is a record of all computers and devices that enter and leave a network.
  • A log is a record of events that occur within an organization’s systems and networks.

18. What are some of the key benefits of SIEM tools? Select three answers.

  • Save time
  • Provide event monitoring and analysis
  • Eliminate the need for manual review of logs
  • Collect log data from different sources

Shuffle Q/A 2

19. Fill in the blank: Software application _____ are technical attributes, such as response time, availability, and failure rate.

  • metrics
  • dashboards
  • SIEM tools
  • logs

20. You are a security professional, and you want a SIEM tool that will require both on-site infrastructure and internet-based solutions. What type of tool do you choose?

  • Hybrid
  • Self-hosted
  • Cloud-hosted
  • Component-hosted

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