33. Which CSS property is used to create a border around an element?

  • border
  • border-color
  • border-width
  • border-style

34. Which of the following properties can be used to create a background gradient in CSS?

  • background-color
  • background-image
  • background
  • gradient-color

35. Which of the following CSS properties can be used to set the opacity of an element?

  • opacity
  • transparent
  • visibility
  • display

36. Which CSS property is used to change the order of flex items in a flex container?

  • justify-content
  • align-items
  • order
  • flex-wrap

37. Which property is used to rotate an element in 3D space?

  • transform-origin
  • transform
  • transition
  • animation

38. Which property is used to specify the number of columns an element should be divided into?

  • grid-template-columns
  • flex-wrap
  • column-count
  • columns

39. What is the purpose of CSS variables?

  • To define media queries.
  • To create page layouts with multiple columns.
  • To apply animation effects to elements.
  • To store and reuse values throughout a CSS stylesheet.

40. Which of the following CSS properties can be used to create a drop shadow effect for an element?

  • box-shadow
  • text-shadow
  • shadow-effect
  • drop-shadow

41. Which of the following CSS selectors will select all elements with the class "example"?

  • #example
  • .example
  • *example
  • example

42. Which of the following CSS properties is used to set the background color of an element?

  • border-color
  • color
  • background-color
  • fill-color

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