31. When defining a form, which element is almost always defined?
- <legend>
- <option>
- <input>
- <output>
32. True or false. The following form element will clear the form validation errors.
< input type="reset">
- True
- False
33. A developer has added the following input element to a HTML form. What client-side validation is applied? Select all that apply.
< input type="email" required minlength="4">
- The user input must be in an email address format
- The user must provide a value to the input field
- The maximum length of the user input must be 1024 characters
- The minimum length of the user input must be 4 chararacters.
Knowledge check: Form submission
34. Which form attribute is used to specify the address to which the form data will be submitted to?
- method
- src
- action
35. Which HTTP method will be used to send data for the following form?
< form>
< button type="submit">Submit< /button>
< /form>
36. When using the HTTP POST method to submit form data, how is the data transmitted to the server?
- Via the address in the URL bar of the web browser
- Via the body of the HTTP request
37. Your web browser is currently at the address https://meta.com/profile. When the following form is submitted, what address will it submit to?
< form>
< button type="submit">Submit
< /form>
- https://meta.com
- https://meta.com/profile
- https://meta.com/login
38. Your web browser is currently at the address https://meta.com/profile. When the following form is submitted, what address will it submit to?
< form action="/login">
< button type="submit">Submit
< /form>
- https://meta.com/profile
- https://meta.com/login
- https://meta.com
- https://meta.com/profile/login
Shuffle Q/A 4
39. Your web browser is currently at the address https://meta.com/profile. When the following form is submitted, what address will it submit to?
< form action="login">
< button type="submit">Submit
< /form>
- https://meta.com/profile/login
- https://meta.com/login
- https://meta.com/profile
- https://meta.com