21. What is a great way to connect with security professionals or find mentors in the security industry without using social media?

  • Search for CISOs on LinkedIn®
  • Do an internet search for entry-level security analysts in your area
  • Join different security associations
  • Attend a social media training seminar

22. Which security website covers security news and investigations into cyber attacks?

  • Online CISO
  • Kreb’s Security Perspective
  • Security Investigation by Krebs
  • Krebs on Security

23. Which of the following is a good first step to finding a CISO to follow on social media?

  • Ask friends in the e-commerce industry about which CISOs to follow
  • Conduct a background check on CISOs in your area
  • Send multiple messages to a company on their social media page and ask how to contact their CISO directly
  • Conduct an internet search for the name of the CISO of an organization

24. On social networks like LinkedIn®, you can find security professionals by searching for “cybersecurity analysts” or a similar search term. After this search, what is the best way to filter through those search results?

  • Filter for people who talk about # (hashtag) cybersecurity
  • Filter for people who talk about # (hashtag) product engineering
  • Filter for people who talk about # (hashtag) Python
  • Filter for people who talk about # (hashtag) social media

25. Fill in the blank: _____ is a great way to connect with security professionals without using social media.

  • Cold calling security teams from different companies
  • Doing an internet search for entry-level security analysts in your area
  • Joining different security associations
  • Contacting a CISO directly via email

26. Fill in the blank: Selecting a security association that _____ will help ensure you find the one that best fits your needs.

  • is within a five-mile radius of your home
  • has excellent online reviews
  • aligns with your professional goals
  • is dedicated to senior-level analysts

27. Fill in the blank: The OWASP is a standard awareness document that lists the top _____most critical security risks to web applications.

  • 10
  • 50
  • 5
  • 20

28. What is the best search term to use to find a security organization to join?

  • “Incident response teams”
  • “Industry associations”
  • “Top CISOs in my area”
  • “Cybersecurity industry associations”

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