31. Which of the following Java Set Interface implementations allows elements to be stored in a linked list, providing predictable iteration order?

  • Java HashSet
  • Java LinkedHashSet
  • Java TreeSet
  • Java EnumSet

32. Which of the following Java Set Interface implementations is backed by a hash table, providing constant-time performance for basic operations?

  • Java HashSet
  • Java LinkedHashSet
  • Java TreeSet
  • Java EnumSet

33. Which of the following Java Set Interface implementations maintains elements in a sorted order based on a custom comparator?

  • Java HashSet
  • Java LinkedHashSet
  • Java TreeSet
  • Java EnumSet

34. Which of the following Java Set Interface implementations allows only one null element?

  • Java HashSet
  • Java LinkedHashSet
  • Java TreeSet
  • Both A and B

31. Which of the following Java Set Interface implementations maintains elements in sorted order based on natural ordering of elements?

  • Java HashSet
  • Java LinkedHashSet
  • Java TreeSet
  • Java EnumSet

32. Which of the following Java Set Interface implementations allows elements to be stored in a red-black tree, providing guaranteed logarithmic time complexity for basic operations?

  • Java HashSet
  • Java LinkedHashSet
  • Java TreeSet
  • Java EnumSet

33. Which of the following Java Set Interface implementations allows elements to be stored in a hash table that is navigable and allows operations based on the closest match to a given value?

  • Java HashSet
  • Java LinkedHashSet
  • Java TreeSet
  • Java NavigableSet

34. Which of the following Java Set Interface implementations allows elements to be stored in a tree-based data structure, providing guaranteed O(log n) time complexity for basic operations?

  • Java HashSet
  • Java LinkedHashSet
  • Java TreeSet
  • Java EnumSet

35. Which of the following Java Set Interface implementations provides an iterator that allows elements to be accessed in a forward direction?

  • Java HashSet
  • Java LinkedHashSet
  • Java TreeSet
  • All of the above

36. Which of the following Java Set Interface implementations maintains the insertion order of elements?

  • Java HashSet
  • Java TreeSet
  • Java SortedSet
  • Java LinkedHashSet

37. Which of the following Java Set Interface implementations allows elements to be accessed in ascending or descending order?

  • Java HashSet
  • Java TreeSet
  • Java NavigableSet
  • Both B and C

38. Which of the following Java Set Interface implementations allows elements to be stored in a hash table that supports map-like operations on keys?

  • Java HashSet
  • Java EnumSet
  • Java TreeSet
  • None of the above

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