Weekly challenge 5

11. Fill in the blank: Binomial logistic regression is a technique that models the probability of an observation falling into one of two categories, based on one or more _____ variables.

  • continuous
  • categorical
  • dependent
  • independent

12. A data professional calculates a logarithm of the odds of a given probability. What are they calculating?

  • Likelihood
  • Precision
  • Recall
  • Logit

13. What technique estimates the beta parameters that increase the likelihood of the model producing observed data?

  • Accuracy
  • Maximum likelihood estimation
  • Recall
  • Precision

14. Which regression assumption states that, if multiple X variables are in a model, they should not be highly correlated with one another?

  • No extreme outliers
  • Independent observations
  • Linearity
  • No multicollinearity

15. What graphical representation demonstrates a classifier’s accuracy at predicting the labels for a categorical variable?

  • Logistic matrix
  • Confusion matrix
  • Logistic graph
  • Likelihood matrix

16. A data professional calculates precision in logistic regression results. They have 89 true positives, 83 true negatives, 3 false positives, and 1 false negative. What is the calculation for precision?

  • (83 + 3) / 89
  • 89 / (83 + 1)
  • 89 / (89 + 3)
  • (89 + 1) / 3

17. A data professional calculates accuracy in logistic regression results. They have 99 true positives, 91 true negatives, and 248 total predictions. What is the calculation for accuracy?

  • 99 / (248 – 91)
  • (248 – 99 ) / 91
  • 248 / (99 + 91)
  • (99 + 91) / 248

18. A data professional calculates recall in logistic regression results. They have 99 true positives, 80 true negatives, 7 false positives, and 4 false negatives. What is the calculation for recall?

  • 80 / (80 + 7)
  • (84 + 4) / 80
  • (99 – 7) / (80 – 4)
  • 99 / (99 + 4)

Shuffle Q/A 2

19. Logit includes which other probability formula?

  • Recall
  • Precision
  • Estimation
  • Odds

20. Fill in the blank: A confusion matrix is a graphical representation of how accurate a classifier is at _____ the labels for a categorical variable.

  • organizing
  • predicting
  • limiting
  • spacing

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