11. Speaking in clear, concise, and accessible language is one of four presentation and communication best practices. What are the other three? Select all that apply.

  • Use industry jargon, such as abbreviations, to save your audience time.
  • Prioritize the most relevant information.
  • Engage your audience by taking the time to understand their point of view.
  • Describe how you addressed a concern previously raised by stakeholders.

12. What is shared with stakeholders in order to provide them with a clear idea of your dashboard design intentions?

  • Functional dashboard
  • Iterations
  • Low-fidelity mockups
  • Slide decks

13. What job titles are most common in entry-level business intelligence jobs? Select all that apply.

  • Business intelligence analyst
  • Assistant business intelligence analyst
  • Business intelligence director
  • Junior business intelligence analyst

14. Fill in the blank: When answering interview questions, it is beneficial to prioritize the _____ details about your professional background.

  • thorough
  • recent
  • relevant
  • entertaining

15. Describing how you addressed a concern previously raised by stakeholders is one of four presentation and communication best practices. What are the other three? Select all that apply.

  • Speak in clear, concise, and accessible language.
  • Engage your audience by taking the time to understand their point of view.
  • Prioritize the most relevant information.
  • Use industry jargon, such as abbreviations, to save your audience time.

16. Which of the following pieces of information should you include when sharing your portfolio? Select all that apply.

  • Private data from previous employers
  • Your thought process
  • The work you performed
  • What you might do differently in the future

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