11. A data professional working for a moving company is estimating the average time it takes to complete a move. Based on a sample mean of 3 hours, they construct the following 95% confidence interval: [2.5 , 3.5]. What does 95% refer to?

  • The percentage of all possible sample means that fall within the range of the interval
  • The margin of error
  • The percentage of data values in the dataset
  • The success rate of the estimation process

12. A data professional working for a restaurant chain is constructing a confidence interval to help estimate annual sales. To start, they identify the sample statistic they are working with. According to the four steps that detail how to construct a confidence interval for a proportion, what should they do next?

  • Plot a histogram.
  • Choose a confidence level.
  • Calculate the interval.
  • Find the margin of error.

13. What happens as sample size gets smaller? Select all that apply.

  • The confidence interval gets wider.
  • The margin of error increases.
  • The margin of error decreases.
  • The confidence interval gets narrower.

14. What argument of the scipy.stats.norm.interval() function can be used to choose the confidence level?

  • std
  • alpha
  • scale
  • loc

15. Fill in the blank: For small sample sizes, data professionals use the _____ to make calculations with the data.

  • z-distribution
  • s-distribution
  • t-distribution
  • normal distribution

16. Which of the following statements accurately describe the graph of the t-distribution? Select all that apply.

  • When the sample size reaches 30, the normal distribution can be used for calculations.
  • As the sample size increases, the t-distribution approaches the normal distribution.
  • The graph of the t-distribution has an arc shape.
  • It has a higher frequency of outliers due to the smaller dataset.

17. What would a data professional use to estimate a population parameter using a range of values?

  • Point estimate
  • Interval estimate
  • Sampling frame
  • Z-score

18. A data professional working for a theme park is estimating the mean time visitors spend in the park. They construct the following 95% confidence interval based on a sample mean of 3.5 hours: [2.5, 4.5]. What is the margin of error?

  • +/- 2.5 hours
  • +/- 1 hour
  • +/- 4.5 hours
  • +/- 2 hours

Shuffle Q/A 3

19. Fill in the blank: According to the four steps that detail how to construct a confidence interval for a proportion, finding the margin of error is the _____ step in this process.

  • third
  • fourth
  • first
  • second

20. Which of the following statements accurately describes the relationship between confidence level and confidence interval?

  • As the confidence level gets lower, the confidence interval remains the same.
  • As the confidence level gets lower, the confidence interval gets wider.
  • As the confidence level gets higher, the confidence interval gets wider.
  • As the confidence level gets higher, the confidence interval gets narrower.

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