11. Fill in the blank: A _____ describes the process of identifying the origin of data, where it has moved throughout the system, and how it has transformed over time.

  • Data dictionary
  • Business rule
  • Quality test
  • Data lineage

Test your knowledge: Business rules and performance testing

12. A business intelligence professional considers what data is collected and stored in a database, how relationships are defined, the type of information the database provides, and the security of the data. What does this scenario describe?

  • Ensuring the formal management of data assets
  • Confirming that data is consistent
  • Considering the impact of business rules
  • Expanding scope in response to stakeholder requirements

13. At which point in the data-transfer process should incoming data be compared to business rules?

  • At the same time as it is being loaded into the database
  • As soon as it has been loaded into the database
  • Before loading it into the database
  • No later than 24 hours after being loaded into the database

Weekly challenge 3

14. Quality testing involves checking data for defects in order to prevent what from happening?

  • System failure
  • Redundancy
  • Fragmentation
  • Contention

15. A business intelligence professional is confirming that their data contains all desired components or measures. Which quality testing validation element does this involve?

  • Integrity
  • Completeness
  • Accuracy
  • Consistency

16. A business intelligence professional is working with a data warehouse. They perform various tasks to confirm that the data is timely and the pipeline is ingesting the latest information. For what reasons is this an important element of business intelligence? Select all that apply.

  • To have the most current information
  • To ensure the data is updated properly
  • To provide relevant insights
  • To map the data correctly

17. Conformity is an aspect of establishing consistent data governance. What are the key tools involved with conformity? Select all that apply.

  • Schema validation
  • Combined systems
  • Data dictionaries
  • Data lineages

18. Fill in the blank: Schema validation properties preserve table relationships, ensure consistent conventions, and ensure database _____ are still valid.

  • models
  • permissions
  • interfaces
  • keys

Shuffle Q/A 2

19. Fill in the blank: A data _____ describes the process of identifying the origin of data, where it has moved throughout the system, and how it has transformed over time.

  • map
  • model
  • lineage
  • dictionary

20. A business intelligence professional establishes what data will be collected, stored, and provided in a database. They also confirm how relationships are defined and the security of the data. What process does this scenario describe?

  • Optimization
  • Iteration
  • Database modeling
  • Creating business rules

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