31. In which of these situations would you enter cd logs?

  • You want to search for the string logs in the files of your current directory.
  • You want to list all the files and directories in the logs directory.
  • You want to change to a subdirectory of your current directory named logs.
  • You want to print the first 10 lines of the logs file.

32. Given the following permissions drw-rw-r--, what does the fourth character represent?

  • The group does not have execute permissions for this directory
  • The user does not have execute permissions for this directory
  • The user has execute permissions for this directory
  • The group has execute permissions for this directory

33. What are the arguments in cp vulnerabilities.txt /home/analyst/projects? Select two answers.

  • /home/analyst/projects
  • vulnerabilities.txt
  • cp
  • /home

34. Which of the following items represents the root directory?

  • /
  • *home
  • /home
  • *

35. A security analyst enters touch updates.txt into the command line. What does this tell the operating system to do?

  • Move the updates.txt file out of their current directory
  • Create a new file named updates.txt in their current directory
  • Open the updates.txt file
  • Create a new file named updates.txt and move it to the root directory

36. Which of the following are types of permissions? Select all that apply.

  • Read
  • Write
  • Authorize
  • Execute

37. A security analyst enters chmod u+w,g-r access.txt into the command line. What does this command tell the operating system to do? Select all that apply.

  • Remove read permissions from the user for the access.txt file
  • Add write permissions to the user for the access.txt file
  • Add write permissions to the group for the access.txt file
  • Remove read permissions from the group for the access.txt file

38. Which of the following commands require the user to be a root user or have sudo privileges? Select two answers.

  • cd
  • useradd
  • userdel
  • grep

39. What should you specify in the argument following the cd command?

  • Your current directory
  • The string you want to search for
  • The directory you want to navigate to
  • The file you want to create

40. Which of the following commands searches the manual page descriptions for a specified string?

  • cp
  • pwd
  • man
  • apropos

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