11. In order to identify what data is available to be monitored, a business intelligence professional works with their colleagues to create a list of relevant integrated data repositories. What business intelligence concept does this scenario describe?

  • Data transfer
  • Data manipulation
  • Data visibility
  • Data blending

12. Fill in the blank: A gardening business uses data from seed producers, irrigation companies, and local farms. The business intelligence team manages _____ because the three sources refresh their data at different intervals.

  • diverse databases
  • non-live data
  • data push schedules
  • update frequency

13. Why are vanity metrics unlikely to reveal meaningful business insights?

  • They involve outliers
  • They use unstructured data
  • They are not indicative of actual performance
  • They don’t have a high confidence level

14. A business intelligence professional considers what they need in order to have the proper metrics on a dashboard. In this situation, what items should they ensure are in place? Select all that apply.

  • Budget items
  • Processes
  • Technologies
  • Business objectives

15. A business intelligence professional working at a beach towel manufacturer

  • Ensure all metrics are measurable
  • Eliminate vanity metrics
  • Use only very specific metrics
  • Limit the number of metrics

16. When designing a dashboard, it’s important to prioritize the cross-functional relationships within the organization. What activities does this involve? Select all that apply.

  • Considering how business intelligence aligns with the teams’ overall business objectives
  • Empowering users with numerous dashboards that can be found in multiple places
  • Focusing on collaboration by creating an easily accessible dashboard
  • Understanding how each particular stakeholder will use the dashboard

17. The degree or extent to which information can be identified, monitored, and integrated from disparate internal and external sources describes which business intelligence concept?

  • Data manipulation
  • Data visibility
  • Data blending
  • Data transfer

18. Update frequency describes challenges associated with _____ refreshing their information at different times.

  • internal databases
  • diverse dashboard users
  • cross-functional stakeholders
  • disparate data sources

Shuffle Q/A 2

19. When determining which metrics to include on a dashboard, a business intelligence professional makes four key considerations: They first focus on using only metrics that are critical to project success. What are the other three considerations they make in this situation

  • Make sure metrics are aligned with business objectives.
  • Eliminate metrics that don’t support stakeholder expectations.
  • Confirm that necessary technologies and processes are in place.
  • Avoid vague or very high-level metrics.

20. Fill in the blank: Some key considerations when _____ a dataset include where it came from and other relevant background information, the motivation behind it, and where it fits within a larger setting.

  • positioning
  • contextualizing
  • diagramming
  • situating

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