11. An employee receives an email that they believe to be legitimate. They click on a compromised link within the email. What type of internal threat does this scenario describe?

  • Abusive
  • Intentional
  • Accidental
  • Operational

12. Fill in the blank: Identity theft is the act of stealing _____ to commit fraud while impersonating a victim.

  • trade secrets
  • hardware
  • personal information
  • business records

13. What are some key benefits associated with an organization meeting regulatory compliance? Select two answers.

  • Avoiding fines
  • Recruiting employees
  • Upholding ethical obligations
  • Increasing productivity

14. An individual is in their first job as an entry-level security professional. They apply the problem-solving proficiencies that they learned in past roles to their current security career. What does this scenario describe?

  • Having expertise with a specific procedure
  • Understanding business standards
  • Taking on-the-job training
  • Using transferable skills

15. Fill in the blank: Security information and _____ management (SIEM) tools enable security professionals to identify and analyze threats, risks, and vulnerabilities.

  • employer
  • event
  • emergency
  • enterprise

16. What do security professionals typically do with SIEM tools?

  • Identify threat actors and their locations
  • Locate and preserve criminal evidence
  • Educate others about potential security threats, risks, and vulnerabilities
  • Identify and analyze security threats, risks, and vulnerabilities

17. Which of the following statements accurately describe personally identifiable information (PII) and sensitive personally identifiable information (SPII)? Select all that apply.

  • An example of SPII is someone’s financial information.
  • The theft of PII is often more damaging than the theft of SPII.
  • Both PII and SPII are vulnerable to identity theft.
  • An example of PII is someone’s date of birth.

18. Fill in the blank: Cybersecurity aims to protect networks, devices, people, and data from _____ or unauthorized access.

  • poor financial management
  • market shifts
  • criminal exploitation
  • changing business priorities

Shuffle Q/A 2

19. Which of the following entities may be an internal threat to an organization? Select three answers.

  • Trusted partners
  • Vendors
  • Employees
  • Customers

20. An individual has their personal information stolen. They discover that someone is using that information to impersonate them and commit fraud. What does this scenario describe?

  • Data breach
  • Secured customer data
  • Network infiltration
  • Identity theft

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