21. Which of the following statements accurately describe the loading stage of the ETL process? Select all that apply.

  • Data is returned to its source.
  • Once the data has been delivered, it can exist in multiple formats.
  • Data is delivered to its target destination.
  • Once the data has been delivered, it can exist within multiple locations.

22. Object-oriented programming languages _____ data objects with code, enabling them to be used again later.

  • encode and translate
  • compile and group
  • label and define
  • interpret and analyze

23. Which type of tool can analyze data from multiple databases and is optimized for both analysis and processing?

  • Data mart
  • Online Transaction Processing (OLTP)
  • Data lake
  • Online Analytical Processing (OLAP)

24. In a dimensional model, what might facts represent? Select all that apply.

  • Metrics
  • Events
  • Supporting details
  • Attributes

25. FIll in the blank: In a dimensional model, a foreign key is used to connect a dimension table to the appropriate _____ table.

  • fact
  • primary
  • measurement
  • relationship

26. A business intelligence team wants to improve the state of their database schemas. While working toward this goal, they move data from one source platform to another target database. What process does this situation describe?

  • Database iteration
  • Data partitioning
  • Data throughput
  • Database migration

27. In row-based databases, each row in a table is an instance or an entry in the database. How are details about that instance recorded and organized?

  • By column
  • By table
  • By field
  • By row

28. In the ETL loading stage, what are typical target destinations to which the data might be delivered? Select all that apply.

  • Analytics platform
  • Data lake
  • Data warehouse
  • Website application

Shuffle Q/A 3

29. What type of programming language uses another program to read and execute coded instructions?

  • Object-oriented
  • Interpreted
  • Functional
  • Compiled

30. Fill in the blank: In order to create an effective data model, business intelligence professionals will often apply a _____, which uses relevant measures and facts to create a model that supports business needs.

  • target table
  • query plan
  • business rule
  • design pattern

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