11. Which of the following runtimes are typically used for building backends?
- Cyprus
- Jest
- Protractor
- Node.js
12. Which of the following is testing how parts of your system interact with other parts of your system?
- Unit testing
- Integration testing
- End-to-end testing
- Post-hoc testing
13. Node package manager (npm) is used to do which of the following?
- Test code coverage.
- Add code from places like Stack Overflow or github.
- Build a back end.
- Use a large number of libraries and frameworks as Node.js modules.
14. True or False: If you have built a project with different node packages, they will all be listed inside the package.json file.
- True
- False
15. A person on your team wants to help with testing. However, they are not a developer and cannot write code. What type of testing is most suited for them?
- Integration testing
- Post-hoc testing
- Unit testing
- End-to-end testing
16. What is the recommended way to separate the code that you are testing from its related dependencies?
- End-to-end testing
- module.exports
- Fakes
- Mocking