11. A data professional wants to visualize data in a time series. Which approach should they take?

  • Generic-to-specific
  • Specific-to-generic
  • Chronological
  • Systemized

Weekly challenge 4

12. Which of the following statements correctly describe dimensions and measures in Tableau? Select all that apply.

  • Measures are numeric values.
  • Dimensions can be aggregated or placed in calculations.
  • Measures can be aggregated or placed in calculations.
  • Measures are qualitative data values.

13. Fill in the blank: The term _____ is a mathematical concept indicating that a measure or dimension has a finite and countable number of outcomes.

  • ordinal
  • continuous
  • radical
  • discrete

14. In Tableau, what feature is used to determine how the data is segmented and compared in a histogram?

  • Joins
  • Bins
  • Sources
  • Filters

15. What type of approach to data visualizations should be taken when the goal is to share data that helps an audience consider an issue before describing how it affects them?

  • Chronological
  • Specific-to-generic
  • Generic-to-specific
  • Broad

16. Fill in the blank: A _____ in Tableau is a custom field of data created from a larger dataset based on custom conditions.

  • trend line
  • custom view
  • worksheet
  • set

17. Fill in the blank: A worksheet in Tableau Public is a data page that contains a _____ in a single view.

  • data visualization
  • bin
  • dataset
  • dashboard

18. Which of the following statements correctly describe dimensions and measures in Tableau? Select all that apply.

  • Dimensions are used to categorize and group data.
  • Measures are numeric values.
  • Dimensions can be aggregated or placed in calculations.
  • Dimensions are qualitative data values.

Shuffle Q/A 2

19. What type of approach to data visualizations should be taken when the goal is to share data in a time series?

  • Generic-to-specific
  • Specific-to-generic
  • Chronological
  • Fluid

20. Fill in the blank: A set in Tableau is a custom _____ created from a larger dataset based on custom conditions.

  • field of data
  • heat map
  • plot
  • workbook

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