11. What type of data professional is responsible for organizing information and making it accessible?

  • Digital data analyst
  • Business intelligence engineer
  • Project manager
  • Data scientist

12. Which of the following statements accurately describe a RACI matrix? Select all that apply.

  • Someone who is labeled “informed” is kept apprised of details and specific tasks, as well as how these tasks are performed.
  • Someone who is labeled “responsible” actually performs the work and makes decisions that are directly related to completing tasks.
  • The acronym RACI stands for responsible, accountable, consulted, and informed.
  • Someone who is labeled “accountable” approves the work performed by those who are responsible for tasks.

13. Fill in the blank: A data professional practices active listening when they allow others to _____ before offering a response.

  • collaborate with stakeholders
  • access supporting materials
  • think critically
  • share their points of view

14. Fill in the blank: Data engineers are responsible for managing _____ for data across the enterprise.

  • infrastructure
  • dashboards
  • research
  • projects

15. A data professional establishes a procedure for documenting project notes, records, and metadata. Their objective is to add transparency and security to data teams and projects by examining and communicating about processes. Which of the principles for data team building does this scenario describe?

  • Adaptability
  • Business impact
  • Accountability
  • Activation

16. What is the main objective of data cleaning?

  • Identify improvement opportunities
  • Safeguard an organization’s systems and tools
  • Make data visualizations more readable
  • Remove anything that could cause an error during analysis

17. Which of the following are data engineer responsibilities? Select all that apply.

  • Perform research about data
  • Manage infrastructure for data across the enterprise
  • Ensure the data ecosystem offers reliable results
  • Make data accessible

18. Which of the following are the responsibilities of insights or analytics team managers? Select all that apply.

  • Manage multiple groups
  • Copy data from one computer to another
  • Supervise an organization’s analytical strategy
  • Effectively store data

Shuffle Q/A 2

19. Fill in the blank: Business intelligence engineers are responsible for organizing data and making it _____.

  • private
  • qualitative
  • secure
  • accessible

20. Which of the following statements accurately describe a RACI matrix? Select all that apply.

  • The acronym RACI stands for responsible, accountable, consulted, and informed.
  • A RACI matrix enables companies to organize employee roles.
  • Someone who is labeled “informed” is kept aware of progress and the concerns of people working on a project.
  • Someone who is labeled “consulted” performs project work or makes decisions directly related to completing tasks.

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