11. The responsive breakpoint for Bootstrap CSS rules is determined by the ______________?

  • Modifier
  • Infix

Knowledge Check: Introduction to React

12. Dynamic content is faster to generate than static content.

  • True
  • False

13. Single Page Applications allow users to interact with a website without re-downloading the entire webpage.

  • True
  • False

14. React applications are built using reusable pieces of code called ______________.

  • Components
  • Elements
  • Code snippets

15. To improve performance, React uses a ______________ to reduce updates to the browser DOM.

  • Virtual DOM
  • Copy DOM
  • New DOM

16. React applications have at least 1 component called the ______________ component.

  • Root
  • Tree
  • Origin

Module Quiz: UI Frameworks

17. If a library depends on another library, it forms a ______________.

  • Framework Tree
  • Dependency Tree
  • Dependency Document
  • Library Box

18. How many columns does Bootstrap's responsive grid consist of?

  • 10
  • 8
  • 14
  • 12

Shuffle Q/A 2

19. To change the style of a Bootstrap component, you use ______________.

  • an infix
  • a modifier

20. To improve performance, web servers can keep a copy of dynamic content in a ______________.

  • Cloud
  • Cache
  • DOM

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