WebAPI Graded Quiz

15. What is ASP.NET Web API?

  • A programming language used to build web applications.
  • A tool used for testing web APIs.
  • A framework for building RESTful web APIs.
  • A database management system used for building web applications.

16. What is the difference between a web API and a web service?

  • There is no difference between a web API and a web service.
  • A web API is used for client-server communication over the web, while a web service is used for inter-process communication.
  • A web API is a RESTful service, while a web service uses SOAP.
  • A web API is designed for use by applications, while a web service is designed for use by humans.

17. What is HTTP?

  • A programming language used to build web applications.
  • A tool used for testing web APIs.
  • A protocol for communication between web servers and clients.
  • A database management system used for building web applications.

18. What is REST?

  • A programming language used to build web applications.
  • A tool used for testing web APIs.
  • A set of architectural principles for building web APIs.
  • A database management system used for building web applications.

19. What is CRUD?

  • A programming language used to build web applications.
  • A tool used for testing web APIs.
  • An acronym for Create, Read, Update, and Delete, which are the four basic operations that can be performed on data.
  • A database management system used for building web applications.

20. What is the purpose of a Web API?

  • To build user interfaces for web applications.
  • To provide programmatic access to a web application’s data and functionality.
  • To provide a graphical user interface for a web application.
  • To provide a database management system for a web application.

21. Which HTTP method is used to retrieve data from a Web API?

  • POST
  • GET
  • PUT

22. Which HTTP status code is returned when a resource is successfully updated on the server?

  • 200 OK
  • 201 Created
  • 400 Bad Request
  • 204 No Content

23. What is a query string in a Web API request?

  • A string of characters that identifies the client making the request.
  • A string of characters that identifies the server processing the request.
  • A string of characters appended to the end of a URL that contains additional information about the request, such as filters or search terms.
  • A string of characters that encrypts the request data for secure transmission.

24. What is the purpose of the HTTP DELETE method in a Web API?

  • To retrieve a specific resource.
  • To create a new resource.
  • To update an existing resource.
  • To delete a specific resource.

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