11. Fill in the blank: When normalizing the columns in a dataset using MinMaxScaler, the columns’ maximum value scales to one, and the minimum value scales to _____. Everything else falls somewhere in between.

  • 0.1
  • .5
  • -1
  • 0

12. A data professional is assessing the business need in order to determine what type of model is best suited to a project. Which PACE stage does this scenario describe?

  • Execute
  • Construct
  • Analyze
  • Plan

13. In the model-development process, which type of feature does not contain any useful information for predicting the target variable?

  • Relevant
  • Predictive
  • Irrelevant
  • Conducive

14. Fill in the blank: Log normalization is useful when working with a model that cannot manage continuous variables with _____ distributions.

  • normal
  • skewed
  • probability
  • binomial

15. What occurs when a dataset has a predictor variable that contains more instances of one outcome than another?

  • Incompatibility
  • Class imbalance
  • Redundancy
  • Inconsistent data

16. Fill in the blank: Customer churn is the business term that describes how many customers stop _____ and at what rate this occurs.

  • using a product or service
  • sharing feedback with a company
  • researching a company’s offerings
  • reviewing items online

17. Naive Bayes is a supervised classification technique that assumes independence among predictors. What is the meaning of this concept?

  • The value of a predictor variable on a given class is not affected by the values of other predictors.
  • The value of a predictor variable on a given class is equal to the values of other predictors.
  • The value of a predictor variable on a given class is measured by the values of other predictors.
  • The value of a predictor variable on a given class is dependent upon the values of other predictors.

18. Which of the following statements accurately describe feature engineering? Select all that apply.

  • Feature engineering does not involve using a data professional’s statistical knowledge.
  • In feature engineering, feature extraction involves taking multiple features to create a new one that will improve the accuracy of the algorithm.
  • In feature engineering, feature selection involves choosing the features in the data that contribute the most to predicting the response variable.
  • Feature engineering may involve transforming the properties of raw data.

Shuffle Q/A 2

19. What does Bayes’s theorem enable data professionals to calculate?

  • Margin of error
  • Data accuracy
  • Posterior probability
  • Causation

20. Fill in the blank: When using a scaler to _____ the columns in a dataset using MinMaxScaler, a data professional must fit the scaler to the training data and transform both the training data and the test data using that same scaler.

  • filter
  • customize
  • sort
  • normalize

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