Javascript & DOM - Graded Quiz

10. Which method is used to create a new element in the DOM using JavaScript?

  • createElement()
  • createNode()
  • addElement()
  • appendChild()

11. What is AJAX an abbreviation for?

  • Asynchronous JavaScript and XML
  • Asynchronous JSON and XML
  • Asynchronous JavaScript and XHTML
  • Asynchronous JSON and XHTML

12. Which method is used to send an AJAX request in JavaScript?

  • sendRequest()
  • createRequest()
  • XMLHttpRequest()
  • ajaxRequest()

13. What is the purpose of the try-catch statement in JavaScript?

  • It is used to define a block of code to be executed repeatedly.
  • It is used to define a block of code to be executed conditionally.
  • It is used to handle errors and exceptions that may occur during code execution.
  • It is used to terminate the execution of a function or loop.

14. What is the purpose of the catch block in a try-catch statement?

  • It defines the code to be executed if the try block encounters an error or exception.
  • It defines the code to be executed if a specific condition is met.
  • It defines the code to be executed unconditionally after the try block.
  • It defines the code to be executed before the try block.

15. Which method is used to remove an element from the DOM using JavaScript?

  • removeChild()
  • deleteElement()
  • removeElement()
  • detachElement()

16. What is the purpose of the load event in AJAX?

  • It is triggered when an error occurs during the AJAX request.
  • It is triggered when the response from the AJAX request is received.
  • It is triggered when the AJAX request is sent.
  • It is triggered when the DOM is fully loaded and parsed.

17. Which statement is used to throw a custom error or exception in JavaScript?

  • raiseError()
  • throwException()
  • throwError()
  • throw

18. What is the purpose of the finally block in a try-catch statement?

  • It defines the code to be executed if the try block encounters an error or exception.
  • It defines the code to be executed if a specific condition is met.
  • It defines the code to be executed unconditionally after the try block.
  • It defines the code to be executed regardless of whether an error or exception occurred.

19. Which method is used to handle AJAX errors in JavaScript?

  • handleError()
  • onerror()
  • catchError()
  • onreadystatechange()

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