11. What are the goals of data partitioning? Select all that apply.

  • Segment text strings in a query
  • Ensure data segments add up to a whole
  • Divide a database into distinct, logical parts
  • Improve query processing

12. Fragmented data is broken up into many pieces that are not stored together. What are some common reasons for this fragmentation? Select all that apply.

  • Deleting data files
  • Modifying data files
  • Using the data infrequently
  • Creating new data files

13. When two or more data analysts attempt to use a single data resource in a conflicting way, what is the result?

  • Duplicates
  • Redundancy
  • Argument
  • Contention

14. Which of the following statements accurately describe data marts and data lakes? Select all that apply.

  • Data lakes are subject-oriented, which means they are associated with specific areas or departments of a business.
  • Data lakes are designed to enable information accessibility because their data doesn’t require a lot of processing.
  • Data marts are designed to enable information accessibility because their data doesn’t require a lot of processing.
  • Data marts are subject-oriented, which means they are associated with specific areas or departments of a business.

15. What are some key benefits of ELT data pipelines in business intelligence?

  • ELT enables business intelligence professionals to transform only the data they need.
  • ELT reduces storage costs and enables businesses to scale storage and computation resources independently.
  • ELT enables business intelligence professionals to transform data while it is being transported.
  • ELT can ingest many different kinds of data into a storage system as soon as that data is available.

16. When evaluating a database system’s resources, what does a business intelligence professional consider? Select all that apply.

  • Disk space and memory
  • Users
  • Hardware
  • Software

17. Fill in the blank: The goal of _____ is to enable a database system to process the largest possible workload at the most reasonable cost.

  • application development
  • business intelligence strategy
  • optimization
  • visibility

18. Fill in the blank: In a relational database system that uses SQL, a _____ describes how the database system will execute a query.

  • data limitation
  • HOW statement
  • query plan
  • run method

Shuffle Q/A 2

19. Which of the following statements accurately describe data marts and data lakes? Select all that apply.

  • A data mart is a subject-oriented database that can be a subset of a larger data warehouse.
  • A data lake is a database system that stores large amounts of raw data in its original format until it’s needed.
  • A data mart is a database system that stores large amounts of raw data in its original format until it’s needed.
  • A data lake is a subject-oriented database that can be a subset of a larger data warehouse.

20. Fill in the blank: A business intelligence professional gathers data, loads it into a unified destination system, and then transforms it into a useful format. They do this using an _____ data pipeline.

  • oriented
  • interpreted
  • ETL
  • ELT

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