11. Which type of bias is the tendency to construe ambiguous situations in a positive or negative way?

  • Confirmation bias
  • Interpretation bias
  • Observer bias
  • Cultural bias

12. Before completing a survey, an individual acknowledges reading information about how and why the data they provide will be used. What concept does this describe?

  • Transaction transparency
  • Openness
  • Privacy
  • Consent

13. Which spreadsheet tool changes how cells appear when values meet a specific condition?

  • Data validation
  • Conditional formatting
  • Protected ranges
  • Alternating colors

14. Fill in the blank: In a spreadsheet, the SPLIT function divides a text string around a ___, then puts each fragment into a new, separate cell.

  • mark
  • indicator
  • delimiter
  • substring

15. Fill in the blank: A programming language is a system of words and symbols used to _____ for computers.

  • write instructions
  • detect malware
  • repair infrastructure
  • install hardware

16. What are the main benefits of using a programming language to work with data? Select all that apply.

  • Easily reproduce and share work
  • Clarify the steps of analysis
  • Save time
  • Automate decision-making

17. In order for code to work properly, it’s necessary to follow the predetermined structure of the coding language. This includes all required words and symbols, as well as their proper placement. What is this structure called?

  • Syntax
  • Standard
  • Script
  • Symbol

18. What is the term for programming code that is freely available and may be modified and shared by the people who use it?

  • Common-design
  • One-access
  • Open-source
  • Non-dependant

Shuffle Q/A 2

19. Data professionals use programming languages to enable which of the following? Select all that apply.

  • Data governance
  • Data cleaning
  • Data transformation
  • Data visualization

20. What type of data visualization should be used to demonstrate how often data values fall into certain ranges?

  • Histogram
  • Bar chart
  • Tree map
  • Correlation chart

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