21. Fill in the blank: _____ is a technique that estimates the relationship between a continuous dependent variable and one or more independent variables.

  • Linear regression
  • Logistic regression
  • Complex regression
  • Ethical regression

22. Which of the following statements accurately describe dependent and independent variables? Select all that apply.

  • A dependent variable is also called the explanatory or predictor variable.
  • A dependent variable is typically represented by Y.
  • An independent variable is also called the response or outcome variable.
  • An independent variable is typically represented by X.

23. What describes a relationship in which one variable directly leads another to change in a particular way?

  • Correlation
  • Intercept
  • Slope
  • Causation

24. A data professional reviews the estimated betas, often designated with a hat symbol. What is the term for this estimated beta?

  • Slope coefficients
  • Regression intercepts
  • Parameter intercepts
  • Regression coefficients

25. What technique models a categorical variable based on one or more independent variables?

  • Slope regression
  • Linear regression
  • Logistic regression
  • Coefficient regression

26. In order to justify the use of particular data techniques, a data professional is developing statements about data that must be true. What does this scenario describe?

  • Creating dependent functions
  • Creating model assumptions
  • Creating model functions
  • Creating dependent assumptions

27. A data professional considers what data they have access to and how to view that data in a problem context. What PACE stage are they working in?

  • Construct
  • Execute
  • Analyze
  • Plan

28. A data professional wants to connect the dependent variable and independent variable mathematically. What function can enable them to make this connection?

  • Coefficient regression
  • Link regression
  • Link function
  • Coefficient function

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