31. What are the main benefits of using a programming language to work with data? Select all that apply.

  • Save time
  • Clarify the steps of analysis
  • Easily reproduce and share work
  • Automate decision-making

32. What goals are programming languages designed to achieve? Select all that apply.

  • Data transformation
  • Data visualization
  • Data cleaning
  • Data governance

33. What is the term for programming code that is freely available and may be modified and shared by the people who use it?

  • Open-source
  • Non-dependant
  • Common-design
  • One-access

34. To demonstrate how often data values fall into certain ranges, what type of data visualization should be used?

  • Correlation chart
  • Bar chart
  • Histogram
  • Tree map

35. A dashboard is designed to share insights about the housing market in a city. What type of data visualization would be most effective at demonstrating how the city’s annual home sales have risen over time?

  • Scatter plot
  • Line chart
  • Area chart
  • Pie chart

36. What type of visualizations enable the data in a presentation to automatically update and change over time?

  • Static
  • Discrete
  • Customized
  • Dynamic

37. Why is it more effective to label a data visualization instead of using a legend? Select all that apply.

  • Labels allow for text explanations to be placed directly on the visualization.
  • Labels make the data visualization more accessible because they don’t rely on the ability to interpret color.
  • Labels can be placed near the data, whereas legends are typically positioned away from the data.
  • Labels help keep people’s attention on relevant data by redirecting their focus away from outliers.

38. A data visualization reveals two variables in the data that rise and fall at the same time. When variables are related in this way, what is likely happening?

  • Causation
  • Polarity
  • Divergence
  • Correlation

Shuffle Q/A 4

39. Which of the following are appropriate uses for filters in data visualization tools? Select all that apply.

  • Hiding outliers that do not support the hypothesis
  • Limiting the number of rows or columns in view
  • Providing data to different users based on their particular needs
  • Highlighting individual data points

Weekly challenge 1

40. A business analyst automates processes and information channels in order to transform data into actionable insights. Then, they share these insights with decision-makers. What concept does this scenario describe?

  • Business intelligence
  • Business metrics
  • Business strategy
  • Business monitoring

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