Module 5: Portfolio presentation and job resources

The power of the portfolio

Practice Assignment

1. Which of the following best explains why showcasing the design thinking process is essential in a UX portfolio? Choose the best answer.

  • It demonstrates your ability to follow established design trends and industry standards.
  • It provides evidence of your experience working with various design tools and software.
  • It reveals your thought process, problem-solving approach, and ability to iterate on solutions based on feedback and research.

  • It allows employers to assess your creativity and visual design skills.

2. You are creating a UX portfolio to showcase your work on a recent mobile app redesign project. Which would be the most effective way to demonstrate your design process? Choose the best answer.

  • Sharing user research findings and insights that informed your design decisions\
  • Displaying the final, high-fidelity mockups of the redesigned app, along with a summary of the key design changes
  • Presenting a detailed case study that walks through each stage of the design process, from research and creativity to final implementation

  • Including sketches, wireframes, and early design iterations to show the evolution of your ideas

3. Which of the following statements best reflects a recommended practice for creating a strong UX design portfolio? Choose the best answer.

  • Portfolios should focus on visual design skills and aesthetics.
  • Portfolios should showcase a variety of skills and processes, even if some projects are unfinished or unreleased.

  • It’s crucial to include as many projects as possible to demonstrate your experience.
  • Only projects from well-known companies or clients should be included.

4. You are reviewing a fellow UX designer's portfolio. They have included several case studies, but you notice that each one only presents the final design solution. What feedback would you provide to help them improve their portfolio? Choose the best answer.

  • “I’d recommend focusing on one or two projects and providing more in-depth details about your design process.”
  • “I’d suggest incorporating more information about your design process in each case study, including research findings, sketches, wireframes, and iterations.”

  • “Your portfolio looks great! The final designs are visually appealing and polished.”
  • “Consider adding more personal projects to your portfolio to showcase your creativity and unique design style.”

5. When deciding which projects to include in your UX portfolio, it's important to prioritize those that best demonstrate your _____ and align with your _____. Choose the best answer.

  • project timeline; budget constraints
  • design strengths; career aspirations

  • design software proficiency; technical skills
  • visual design aesthetic; personal preferences

Crafting your design story

Practice Assignment

6. Which of the following features in PowerPoint can enhance the visual appeal of design presentations? Select all that apply.

  • Transitions and animations

  • Slide Master
  • SmartArt graphics

  • Slide Sorter view

7. You're presenting your UX design portfolio in PowerPoint. To ensure smooth navigation and avoid getting lost during your presentation, you should use the _______ view to see all slides at a glance and quickly jump to specific sections. Choose the best answer.

  • Reading
  • Notes Page
  • Normal
  • Slide Sorter

8. Which of the following are critical steps in building a user-centered design portfolio? Select all that apply.

  • Prioritizing quantity over quality, aiming to include as many projects as possible.
  • Defining your target audience and tailoring your portfolio accordingly.
  • Showcasing a variety of projects that demonstrate your skills and experience.
  • Including detailed case studies explaining your design process and rationale behind decisions.

9. You're a UX designer specializing in accessibility. You're creating a portfolio to apply for a job at a company that prioritizes inclusive design. Which project would be most relevant to showcase? Choose the best answer.

  • A project where you developed a design system with customizable components that can be easily adapted to different screen sizes and devices
  • A project where you conducted user research with people with disabilities and designed a mobile app that met their specific needs

  • A project where you designed an e-commerce website focusing on straightforward navigation and intuitive user flows
  • A project where you conducted a comprehensive accessibility audit of a website and implemented recommendations to improve compliance with WCAG guidelines

10. Hiring managers often look for a strong _______ in UX design portfolios, demonstrating the designer's ability to understand user needs, define problems, and iterate on solutions. Choose the best answer.

  • process narrative

  • understanding of design trends and industry standards
  • technical skill set
  • list of awards

Landing your dream job

Practice Assignment

11. Which of the following is the most effective way to tailor your UX design resume to a specific job description? Choose the best answer.

  • Identify key skills and qualifications mentioned in the job description and strategically incorporate them into your resume, using relevant examples and metrics.

  • Rephrase the job description’s requirements into your own words to demonstrate your understanding of the role.
  • Emphasize your most relevant accomplishments and skills, even if it means omitting some impressive but less relevant projects.
  • Use key words and phrases from the job description strategically, focusing on how your specific experiences and achievements demonstrate those skills.

12. You're a UX designer with five years of experience, and your resume is being updated. You want to quantify your achievements to make them more impactful. Which of the following statements would be most effective in showcasing your experience? Choose the best answer.

  • “Led a UX design project that resulted in positive user feedback and improved overall product ratings.”
  • “Designed user interfaces for various web and mobile applications, resulting in increased user adoption and retention.”
  • “Led a user research initiative that increased user engagement by 15% and reduced bounce rates by 10%.”

  • “Collaborated with cross-functional teams to implement user-centered design solutions, contributing to a 20% decrease in customer support inquiries.”

13. Which of the following are effective communication strategies to demonstrate during a UX design interview? Select all that apply.

  • Use technical jargon and industry-specific terms to showcase your expertise.
  • Be enthusiastic and passionate about your work, conveying your interest in the role and the company.
  • Actively listen to the interviewer’s questions and respond thoughtfully.
  • Share specific examples from past projects to illustrate your skills and experience.

14. You are in a UX interview, and the interviewer asks about a project where you faced a major design challenge. How would you best structure your response to showcase your problem-solving skills? Choose the best answer.

  • Share the initial design concepts you came up with, emphasizing your creativity and ability to generate innovative ideas.
  • Explain the problem, your initial assumptions, the research you conducted, the iterations you went through, and the final outcome, emphasizing what you learned from the experience.

  • Discuss the collaborative aspects of the project, highlighting how you worked with stakeholders and other team members to overcome the challenge.
  • Briefly describe the problem and then delve into the technical details of the solution you implemented, highlighting your expertise in specific tools and technologies.

15. You're a UX designer with a background in psychology and a strong interest in user research. Which of the following job titles would be the most suitable for your skills and interests? Choose the best answer.

  • UX Engineer
  • UX Researcher

  • UI Designer
  • Interaction Designer

Building a sustainable career

Practice Assignment

16. Which of the following is the most effective way to tailor your UX design resume to a specific job description? Choose the best answer.

  • Highlight your soft skills, such as communication and teamwork, as employers universally value them.
  • Prioritize the visual design of your resume, using creative layouts and graphics to stand out from other applicants.
  • Use action verbs and quantifiable achievements to showcase the impact of your work.

  • Prioritize showcasing your design awards and accolades, as they demonstrate your recognized expertise in the field.

17. What are the key benefits of actively participating in the UX design community? Choose the best answer.

  • Gaining valuable insights and knowledge from industry peers
  • Building a solid professional reputation and personal brand

  • Receiving job offers and promotions
  • Access to job opportunities and career advancement

18. What are the key qualities employers typically look for in a UX designer during an interview? Select all that apply.

  • Proficiency in multiple programming languages
  • A strong understanding of user-centered design principles and methodologies
  • Excellent communication and storytelling skills to effectively convey design ideas
  • A portfolio showcasing a diverse range of projects and design styles

19. You are in a UX interview, and the interviewer asks about a project where you faced a major design challenge. How would you best structure your response to showcase your problem-solving skills? Choose the best answer.

  • Explain the problem, the steps you took to understand it, the solutions you explored, and the reasoning behind your final design decisions.

  • Share your positive feedback on the project, highlighting its success and impact.
  • Briefly describe the problem and discuss other successful projects you’ve worked on to showcase your overall capabilities.
  • Focus on the technical details of the design solution, emphasizing your expertise in specific tools and software.

20. You're a UX designer with a passion for healthcare and a strong background in user research. You're considering two job offers: one as a UX Researcher at a large tech company focused on productivity apps and another as a UX Designer at a small healthcare startup developing a new patient portal. Which job would better align with your interests and career goals? Choose the best answer.

  • The UX Researcher position at the tech company, where you can leverage your research skills to improve the user experience of widely-used productivity tools
  • The UX Designer position at the healthcare startup, where you can apply your research skills to design solutions that directly improve patient care and well-being

  • The UX Researcher position at the tech company, where you can collaborate with a diverse team of researchers and gain exposure to a variety of industries and products
  • The UX Designer position at the healthcare startup, where you can work on cutting-edge technology with the potential for rapid career growth

Project: Curate your UX design portfolio

Practice Assignment

Project scenario

Congratulations on reaching the final part of your capstone project! In this project, you will finalize your presentation, which will serve as a portfolio showcasing the UX principles you have learned throughout the program. This is a significant milestone, marking the culmination of your hard work and dedication to mastering UX design principles. As you prepare your presentation, reflect on how far you've come since the beginning of the certificate program and the valuable skills you've acquired along the way. This presentation will be a testament to your growth as a UX designer and a valuable asset as you embark on your career in the field.


The purpose of this project is to finalize your portfolio and have it ready to be client facing.


Before you begin, open the The Grocery Shopping App Template PowerPoint file that you’ve saved previously to a location that is easily accessible. If you have not yet downloaded the PowerPoint file, do so now. You will continue to add to this PowerPoint file throughout the certificate and at the end, this will be your completed portfolio. There is guidance on what to include in the beginning slides and template slides towards the bottom of the PowerPoint deck. Use the completed portfolio to showcase your work and share with potential employers, demonstrating your skills and experience in UX/UI design.

Step 1: Portfolios in the real world
In the real world, UX/UI design portfolios often extend beyond PowerPoint presentations. Designers frequently use specialized portfolio websites or platforms tailored for showcasing their work. These platforms offer dynamic and interactive ways to present projects, including features like image carousels, video demonstrations, interactive prototypes, and more.

For your own portfolio, it's recommended to explore these specialized platforms and choose one that aligns with the industry standards and your personal style. Selecting a platform that reflects the medium you aspire to specialize in—such as web design or app development—can further demonstrate your skills and expertise in that area. This choice not only showcases your projects effectively but also demonstrates your understanding of user experience principles in portfolio design.

Step 2: Explore public portfolios
Exploring public portfolios is a valuable way to gain insights into effective presentation strategies and industry standards. Take some time to search for UX designer portfolios online and select two to three portfolios to review. As you examine these portfolios, pay attention to several key aspects:

Organization: Evaluate how the portfolio is structured. Is it easy to navigate? Are projects clearly categorized or labeled?

Aesthetic appeal: Consider the overall visual appeal of the portfolio. Does the design enhance the presentation of the projects?

Clarity of work: Assess how effectively the portfolio communicates the designer's specific work. Are project details clearly explained?

Brevity: Evaluate the portfolio's conciseness. Does it effectively convey information without being overly lengthy?

Personality: Look for elements that showcase the designer's personality or unique approach. Does the portfolio stand out in a positive way?

Project responsibilities and impact: Determine if the portfolio clearly articulates the designer's role in each project and the impact of their work.

Take notes on these aspects as you review the portfolios, as this can provide valuable insights for your own portfolio development.

Step 3: Prep your portfolio for your digital online presence Your portfolio isn't just a collection of projects—it's the story of your design journey! Now that you've put together a strong PowerPoint presentation, take some time to plan how you'll bring it to life in a way that captivates potential employers.

Telling your design story

Reflect: Review each slide. What are the key takeaways you want to communicate about your work process, problem-solving skills, and overall design thinking for each project?

Practice: Draft a short verbal explanation for each slide. Speak aloud as if you were presenting. This helps identify awkward phrasing and ensures your narrative flows smoothly.

Time management: Consider which projects or slides warrant the most in-depth discussion, and which might need a briefer overview to stay within interview time constraints.

Visuals and Navigation

Design principles: How well does your presentation showcase your understanding of design principles? Are your slides well-balanced, with clear visual hierarchy and a consistent aesthetic?

Navigation: Imagine being asked to jump to a specific project in your portfolio. Can you easily navigate your PowerPoint and tell a cohesive story, even out of order?

Now that you've polished your PowerPoint portfolio presentation, it's time to share it with the world! Consider integrating it into your online presence by adding it to your personal website or a professional social media platform.

Once you’ve completed the project, answer the questions below.

21. Which of the following is a key element to include in a UX portfolio? Select the best answer.

  • Jargon-filled descriptions that other designers understand
  • Detailed technical specifications for implementation
  • Stock photos instead of actual project visuals
  • A clear explanation of the problem you were solving

22. When presenting your portfolio in an interview, what's the best way to approach discussing your projects? Select the best answer.

  • Stick to a rigid script, even if the interviewer asks questions.
  • Highlight both your successes and challenges you overcame.

  • Rush through everything to cover as many projects as possible.
  • Focus on the final, polished product without explaining your process.

23. Think back over the process of creating your UX portfolio. What aspect did you enjoy the most? What felt most challenging?

  • What I enjoyed the most:
    I particularly enjoyed the process of telling the story of each project in my portfolio. It was satisfying to see how my work evolved from problem identification to the final solution. Sharing the thought process, research insights, and design iterations helped me connect the dots and show how each decision led to the final product.

  • What felt most challenging:
    The most challenging part was selecting the right projects and making sure each one communicated my skills effectively. Balancing between providing enough detail to demonstrate my expertise while keeping things concise and focused was difficult. Also, ensuring that the visuals and narrative worked together seamlessly across different mediums, such as PowerPoint and an online portfolio, required a lot of iteration.

Portfolio presentation and job resources

Graded Assignment

24. Fill in the blank: A UX design portfolio serves as a ___________.

  • Visual showcase of a designer’s artistic abilities
  • Platform to display awards and accolades
  • A replacement for a traditional resume
  • Comprehensive representation of a designer’s skills, process, and impact

25. Fill in the blank: A well-crafted UX design portfolio can be a powerful tool for __________.

  • landing freelance projects and attracting potential clients

  • replacing the need for formal education in UX design
  • gaining popularity and recognition within the design community
  • guaranteeing a high-paying job in the tech industry

26. When using PowerPoint to present design mockups, which features can enhance the visual appeal and clarity of the presentation? Select all that apply.

  • Zoom for PowerPoint

  • Morph Transition

  • Slide Sections
  • Presenter View

27. When presenting a case study in your portfolio, what is the most effective way to showcase the impact of your design solutions? Choose the best answer.

  • Explain in detail the design tools and software you used to create the solution.
  • Present before-and-after visuals demonstrating the improvement in user experience.

  • Describe the positive feedback you received from stakeholders and colleagues.
  • Share anecdotes about the challenges you faced during the design process.

28. Which of the following strategies can help you optimize your LinkedIn profile for UX job opportunities? Select all that apply.

  • Connect with as many people as possible.
  • Use a professional headshot and a concise, compelling headline.

  • Include keywords relevant to UX design throughout your profile.

  • Regularly share updates about your design projects and insights.

29. When following up after a UX design job interview, which approach is most professional and effective? Choose the best answer.

  • Send a handwritten thank-you note via mail for a more personal touch.
  • Wait a few days after the interview to send a follow-up email with additional questions.
  • Promptly send a thank-you email reiterating your interest in the position.

  • Connect with the interviewer on social media and send a casual message of thanks.

30. Which of the following UX design roles is primarily responsible for conducting user research and gathering insights to inform design decisions? Choose the best answer.

  • Interaction Designer
  • UX Writer
  • UI Designer
  • UX Researcher

31. Which of the following are key benefits of continuous learning and professional development in UX design? Select all that apply.

  • Securing a high-paying job at a top tech company
  • Building a strong personal brand and reputation within the UX community

  • Maintaining and enhancing your competitive edge in the job market

  • Adapting to the ever-changing UX landscape and evolving user needs

32. Which of the following activities can be considered effective networking strategies for UX designers? Select all that apply.

  • Leveraging social media platforms to share your work and engage in relevant discussions
  • Reaching out to UX professionals on LinkedIn for informational interviews

  • Attending industry conferences and workshops

  • Joining online UX communities and forums

33. Which of the following are effective ways to initiate a conversation with a UX professional at a networking event? Select all that apply.

  • Introduce yourself and mention a specific aspect of their work that sparked your interest.
  • Ask a thoughtful question about a current challenge or trend in the UX field.
  • Immediately ask for job leads or referrals.
  • Compliment their work and express your admiration for their career path.

34. Which PowerPoint feature is most suitable for showcasing the step-by-step progression of a user flow in a design presentation? Choose the best answer.

  • Slide Transitions
  • SmartArt Graphics
  • Animations
  • Slide Master

35. Which of the following strategies can help you effectively structure your UX design portfolio presentation? Select all that apply.

  • Include detailed explanations of every design decision you made.
  • End with a call to action, inviting the audience to ask questions or learn more.
  • Group similar projects together to create a cohesive narrative.
  • Begin with your most impressive project to capture the audience’s attention.

36. When tailoring your UX resume for a specific job application, which of the following should be your primary focus? Choose the best answer.

  • Quantify your accomplishments and the impact of your work whenever possible.

  • Use a creative and unconventional resume format to stand out from other applicants.
  • Highlight transferable skills and experiences that demonstrate your potential for success in the role.
  • Include as many keywords from the job description as possible, even if they don’t perfectly align with your skills.

37. Which of the following is a recommended practice when searching for UX design jobs? Choose the best answer.

  • Focus on building your online presence before actively applying for jobs.
  • Focus your job search exclusively on large, well-known companies.
  • Explore diverse opportunities, including smaller startups and agencies.

  • Prioritize quantity when applying for jobs and submit as many applications as possible.

38. Which of the following industries commonly employ UX designers? Select all that apply.

  • Manufacturing and industrial design
  • Technology and software development
  • E-commerce and retail
  • Healthcare and medical devices

39. When tailoring your UX design portfolio for a specific job application, which approach is most effective? Choose the best answer.

  • Choose a few of your strongest projects, regardless of whether they perfectly match the job description.
  • Include every project you’ve worked on to demonstrate your vast experience.
  • Select projects that align with the company’s values and the role’s requirements.

  • Emphasize the results and impact of your work, even if the visuals aren’t perfect.

40. During a UX design job interview, which of the following behaviors can demonstrate your enthusiasm and interest in the position? Select all that apply.

  • Ask thoughtful questions about the company culture and the team’s design process.
  • Share your personal opinions on the company’s products or services.
  • Maintain eye contact, nodding, and actively listening to the interviewer.
  • Research the company beforehand and mention specific aspects that appeal to you.

41. Which of the following resources can be helpful for UX designers seeking to enhance their skills and knowledge? Select all that apply.

  • Mentorship programs and communities

  • Social media platforms and blogs
  • Industry conferences and events
  • Online courses and workshops

42. What is the primary purpose of professional networking for UX designers? Choose the best answer.

  • Promoting yourself and your work to potential clients or employers
  • Building relationships, exchanging knowledge, and staying connected to the UX community

  • Finding a job through personal connections and referrals
  • Attending industry events to stay informed about the latest trends

43. Which of the following activities can help you build and maintain a strong professional network in UX design? Select all that apply.

  • Attend industry conferences and meetups.
  • Share your design work and insights on social media platforms.
  • Engage in online UX communities and discussions.
  • Focus on connecting with high-profile UX leaders and influencers.

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